Warning...the following post may contain slight complaining and a little sadness.
I miss my sister like crazy. I don't know any other way to put it. I miss sitting next to her talking about anything and everything. I miss playing with my nieces and nephew. I miss my brother-in-law making fun of me for my lack of knowledge with all things cars. I even miss the way both Amber and Rusty would combine forces and embarrass me until my cheeks were almost permanently red.
Sure we talk on the phone pretty frequently. But it's not the same. Plus, being Amber, they are super involved in just about everything. T-ball, zumba, swim lessons, dance lessons...and the list goes on. I'm excited they're loving their new little life....but I miss having them close.
I miss being able to just drive up to her house when I needed someone to talk to. She knows me more then I know myself half the time. She is one of the people that knows all of me...the good, bad and everything in between and still loves me. I love the time we spend together, laughing til my stomach kills, trying weird foods, watching movies, random adventures, even our ridiculous moments of being frustrated with each other... I also miss all the quirky, hilarious things she does.
Most of all...I just miss my best friend. Especially this week.
It's time to start planning a road trip to good ol' Colorado!