October 28, 2011


Sometimes... it takes going in reverse to help you to know how to move forward. As crazy as that seems. We all get so focused on one emotion, event or thing that we don't really know where to go. It makes it hard to find out if you should go forward with what you're doing...or stop and try something different.

It's those times, I think, when you take a step back and look at things in a new light. A brighter perspective. I can be a rather stubborn person...I make a decision and try to stick with it through whatever comes...but I don't think that's always the smartest way to go. (I'm admitting my errors...what is this coming to?) Lately I've realized how much a little perspective can change something entirely...

Instead of being so focused on looking for the moon...take a step back and see the stars. If the moon is where you're headed, they'll point you to it. If not....you'll find a new path.

Phew.....On a completely different note...if you made it through reading that in one piece....Happy Halloween!! Pumpkins, candy corn, cookies, costumes, and most importantly...jumping in leaf piles!

October 10, 2011

Dear Life..

Sometimes, you just flat out stink. You know how to hit people at their lowest. It's always one thing after another right? The whole when it rains it pours thing? What is with that motto anyway? I don't think I'm much of a fan for it. I don't think that you play very fair.. I also think that you and time conspire together and make things even more chaotic. Gloomy days, rushed schedules, loss, endings, regrets, hurt, disasters... People everywhere suffer so much because of you. Maybe it's just the fact that it's Monday that I'm complaining about this...or that my phone is slowly breaking, or because I ripped a hole in my shoe, or unexpected not so great news...or simply that sometimes you can be frustrating in the way that you try to work....

But ya know...

You can be pretty great too. Actually, you can be even better then great. For as much craziness as there is from day to day, there is always a new, amazing sunrise (or sunset). There is laughs to be had, love to be found and happiness waiting to be seen. Maybe it's in the giggle of a child, or in the stories of a great and funny old neighbor or in seeing old friends, or in procrastinating homework to make apple crisp... You may deal some pretty lousy hands sometimes, but you always find a way to more then make up for it.

So...sorry I've been a complainer today. And that I was silently muttering against you for parts of the day. I can't imagine how it is to deal with 7 mazillion people all wanting and demanding things from you. You're much wiser then most of us give you credit for.

Thanks for all the good...and some of the bad (sorry I'm not really thankful yet for all of the bad)...

With love, Amanda

Ps...If nothing else, could you really do something about all of the bugs at my house? I'd be oh so very grateful. :)