Excited. Slightly nervous.
Lost. Mesmerized*. Ecstatic.
Captivated. Delighted.
Those are just a few simple
words to cover some of what I felt this weekend. I've been thinking the past few days about how funny words are. I tend to be one who rambles...and slightly stumbles over the words I want to say and the words that actually come out of my mouth....
I think we all have a tendency to do that. I mean...how often do we see someone do something that we like or think is great...yet don't tell them? So....I've decided I want to become a better [words type] of a person (sounds absurd, I know). I'm implying words that are a little more meaningful....To let the people in my life know a little of what I'm thinking... After all....I think it would make things a little easier..even if it sounds a little silly.
With that... here are some thoughts about the people I spent time with the past weekend:
*Some of these pictures were obtained through slight stalking....just remember it was out of love!*
Miss Peacock.. Seriously great! She thankfully opened the door to bringing excitement to the past weekend! Without her flying into the airport...I wouldn't have had my first Vegas-driving experience. Or had such an enjoyable time getting hopelessly lost (For any of you attempting that feat....it's exciting and a little scary. I'd recommend a GPS, 3 maps, googled step by step directions, and someone who knows how to avoid construction..) Though it was unexpected...I'm thankful to have had the chance to get to know her. Her love of cleaning out the fridge, brilliant slightly nerdy mind, social media expertise, excitement over H&M, and her nose crinkle when she laughs are just a few reasons I've love her.

This boy...David. He's kind of a big deal.....though doesn't quite know it. I was of course happy to get to see him this weekend too! When in Vegas...I would also recommend having someone like him around! He's great at making me laugh...and even (somehow...) manages to put up with my quirks and listening to me ramble. I don't know if it was his great eyes and smile, funny dance moves, kindness,
amazing family, mis-matched socks, excitement over talking about interesting things your body does or first showing me how to get on top of the elementary school that won me over...but somehow he did. He has a way of making me excited to do even simple things...All in all...he's pretty great. In approximately three years...I'm sure he'll be able to fix any of your physical therapy ailments.
Kirk's family.....In case you were wondering.....this isn't his actual family. But they were so incredibly kind! I mean...they let two strange girls stay at their house. Let us sleep on their instant-sleep-inducing bed
and fed us. Not to mention they were so welcoming and kind.
Whitney Lee and K.P....They are seriously some of the most giving people ever. And spent the evening cloud gazing with me when I felt like putting my to-do list off. Somehow...cloud gazing...licorice...and blankets made me feel way more content then I ever expected. They are always looking out for me. And laugh at my jokes even when they're not as funny as I think they are. Getting little unexpected notes from them or a text that makes me smile are some of my favorite parts of the week.
Shelby! I got the chance to skype with her Friday morning before I left. This girl is so much greater than she knows! Even being in
Turkey...she amazes me. And...she is so beautiful...the natives
think she's Turkish! She is one of those that is probably going to
change the world. She is an such a great listener, determined and has a
hilarious tendency to listen to Spanish and Turkish rap. She had me won
over the first time she played with my hair and scratched my back...
Rusty and Amber.... Though I didn't
see them this past weekend..... I still wish I could tell them how thankful I am for everything they do for me. At the rate I'm going...I should probably be their indentured servant for the rest of forever. Even if it's simply to comfort me that I have enough oil in my car and won't self destruct (ok...maybe sometimes I have a slight irrational fear of cars breaking/self combusting..), or calm me down when my eyes develop a slight worry induced leaking problem; they are both always there. They blow my mind with all they have overcome...and...I sort of miss them like crazy. I secretly like that they tease me and call just to tell me something funny/check up on me...it makes me feel loved.

Syd Landeen. First of all....look how cool she is! I also didn't see this lovely woman the past weekend but....according to the calendar...she should be back from France! Which makes me want to dance. Or maybe prance...with a lance? She has been like wonder woman for me the past year...and is so incredible. I'll be forever grateful for all she has helped me with. You know what they say about gingers....
Anyway...if you've manged to get this far in reading...... The point is I have so many incredible people in my life. And sometimes I don't do a good enough job in telling them how much they mean to me..or about the little things they do that make my whole day.
Here's to the start of changing that. Though...it may result in an even more jumbled string of rambles. Maybe it's better to say too much. Bear with me.
And if any of you are planning a trip to Vegas....it can be pretty great and rather
warm. Prepare your eyes to try and take everything in without getting exhausted..Make sure you go with someone who can find you when you're lost, and with people who make you feel excited to spend time with. Because even with all the bright lights and showy-ness of that city....the people you're with make it even better.
Viva Las Vegas!