March 17, 2013

Summer Fever..

After recovering from our past sickness.....I've developed another condition. Some would call it Summer Fever

With the weather being up in the 90's here.....I find myself day dreaming of eating otter pops on the porch, camping, making s'mores.....and jumping into the pool. The weather has been beautiful! Part of me fears, with the weather this warm in March, I'll definitely turn into a roasted human by the summer. 

However, my Summer Fever has increased after spending a great weekend with family! Paul, Lisa and Christian made the trek to Vegas to spend the weekend with us. It's always so fun to have them visit. This time, we barbecued by the pool, watched a movie, went on a hike, visited the park, stumbled across a random St. Patrick's Day parade. We ate lots of yummy food, swam in the pool (still a little on the icy side!) and took a dip in the hot tub. Also, cue the drumroll.....currently I'm the reigning winner of Phase 10 (An amazing feat in itself! I'm taking autographs for awed fans....) 

It was a perfect weekend spent with some of our favorite people! I even managed to get my first sunburn of the year. Being with them made me wish we had countless summer evenings to spend....

Developing some barbecue skills!

Two of the funniest, kindest, caring people you'll meet...

The Pretend Outdoors Hike....right in the middle of Henderson

Stumbled across this gem of a parade!

In never cease to be surprised. 

With the weekend coming to a close....I'll need to start looking for a treatment for such fevers. If you have any ideas...feel free to share! 

Though on the plus side....less then a week until we visit Colorado!  And after that....Easter! 

March 9, 2013

Rainy Days.

As you may have heard, there is a current sickness going around. While..the past week David and I both fell victim to it's immune compromising powers. 

Which is the dramatic way of saying, the past week we were both a little bit under the weather. Especially David. (I'm still trying to figure out how he kept a tough face and went to school...) 

However, yesterday, I was reminded yet again how much I love him. Walking home in the rain, I ended up with frozen toes and feeling rather damp. (Which I didn't mind one pinch...I love the rain!) But alas, I arrived home feeling like a frozen sickly popcicle. So...I curled up into a heap of blankets....and fell asleep. I woke up a couple hours later to the best of smells.... 

I followed those smells to find David making some homemade chicken noodle soup! I'm telling you. They don't come any better. He never fails to be incredibly thoughtful. It was a perfect meal for a rainy day and our colds. 

With stomachs full of soup, we took some cold sleep medicine and slept for the next 12 hours. 

The outlook this morning is much better. 

Though....I may still be struggling with my fine motor skills....I'll blame the nyquil. 

Last, but most certainly not least, here's a shout out to Miss Cheri Peacock....soon to be Hermana Peacock! She was brave to stay with us for a couple days this week. And it was so great to see her. It's amazing how much can change in a year... and how a friendship can come so quickly! She is going to be an incredible missionary! New York, New York.....get ready! 

March 3, 2013

Over The Moon.

Life isn't always perfect.

But sometimes it gets pretty close. 

Like on the days that you can soak up some sun from your porch in March. 

Or when you get to snuggle up with your hubs and watch for the zillionth time....Enchanted

It's the day when you finally perfect the chicken joke (thanks to Roland and Shawna!) 

Or when you have kept some kefir alive for a whole week! Surviving and thriving. 

It's watching your adorable husband make some laundry...and  clean up dinner...all while you lay on the floor.

It's the simple comfort of knowing there are so many people who love and care for you. 

It's when you realize you've eaten ice cream 4 out of the 7 days during the week. 

Last, but certainly not's when you realize that your friends in the ward....actually think your names are Kari and Joey...and not having the heart to correct them. (Second identity? Sure....why not!)

And that, my friends, sums up the weekend. Simple, yes....but whoever said perfection had to be complex? Not even the auto shop with their sad diagnosis could change it. 

As some would say....I'm over the moon.

With happiness.