December 21, 2014

The Inflatable Life....

Wow. Somehow three months flew by.....and I didn't write one pinch!

Our time in Missouri has already ended.....but as I sit here back in the lovely land of Utah....I feel like I should share about our short little adventure.

So.....for those of you who are lucky enough to stumble across my it goes!

The first month and a half of being in Missouri was a little rough for me. I was rather sick most of the time. Most days....I didn't even leave our apartment. David (the champion) would go off to work....then come home and take care of me. Our apartment flooded. one point...our oven caught fire. I began to question if we had made the right choice in choosing Lee's Summit for our rotation. In my mind I thought..."We willingly choose to live with nothing but an air mattress for 3 months....why was this a good idea?!" the Grinch would put heart grew a few sizes....

We met some amazing people....who took the time to get to know and befriend a quirky young couple.

We were invited to dinners, had game nights with newly made friends, and because of a trip to the temple, we were invited to a great Thanksgiving dinner with an amazing family.

David rocked it at the hospital there. He loved it....and they loved him.

Fall was beautiful. And the weather didn't turn too frigid until the day we left.

I was finally able to leave the house and not get completely lost.

We got to see church history sites, visit some famed Kansas City sites....and we even went to a hockey game!

After some didn't matter any more that all of our furniture was inflatable (literally). It didn't matter that our meals were eaten Chinese style on the floor. In fact.....some of those times became a few of my best memories. 

I wish I could adequately describe how grateful I am for the people we met. The changed our experience completely. They helped me to see what pure....selfless giving looked like.  I feel changed by their kindness. By their light.

Now...we are back in Utah with only 4 days until Christmas. We are close to family.  And sleeping in a real  bed.. Best. Thing. Ever.

Let's be real here....air mattresses are not the most comfortable thing in the world.


And on a bigger side note..

My sickness is not contagious. David and I are expecting a baby!

We think it's kind of a big deal. 

We hear it is the best kind of adventure. And we can't wait. 

This is David's "I'm pretending I love airplanes" face..

Legos. Lots and lots of Legos. 

Who knew hockey was so brutal!

Our second Thanksgiving! 

Since we lacked Christmas decorations.....we made some. How could anyone resist a man with such card making talents! 

Saint Luke's Hospital

Parenthood: Ready or we come!

October 7, 2014

He Lives!

This post officially comes to you from the grand state of Missouri! I am still feeling a little disoriented with the lack of mountains. North, East, South and West currently seem all the same to me. However...our journey getting here...and adventures thus far are a story to be saved for another day.

Today...I thought I'd share something a little different. Something even more personal. In a world that seems continuously moving....I think it is even more important to find the ground to stand.

For me....for this post....for whoever stumbles across in reading this...this stand is upon our Savior, Jesus Christ. A firm testament of Him. Hopefully you get the same comfort out of these that I did today!

 With that said (well, actually written..), here are a few of testimonies written about Him:

3 He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not.
4 ¶Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted.
5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.
6 All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.
Isaiah 53:3-6

14 ¶And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up:
15 That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life.
16 ¶For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved
John 3:14-17

26 And we talk of Christ, we rejoice in Christ, we preach of Christ, we prophesy of Christ, and we write according to our prophecies, that our children may know to what source they may look for a remission of their sins.
The Book of Mormon-2 Nephi 25:26

22 And now, after the many testimonies which have been given of him, this is the testimony, last of all, which we give of him: That He lives!
23 For we saw him, even on the right hand of God; and we heard the voice bearing record that he is the Only Begotten of the Father—
24 That by him, and through him, and of him, the worlds are and were created, and the inhabitants thereof are begotten sons and daughters unto God.
Testimony of Joseph Smtih -D&C 22-24

“With all my heart and the fervency of my soul, I lift up my voice in testimony as a special witness and declare that God does live. Jesus is His Son, the Only Begotten of the Father in the flesh. He is our Redeemer; He is our Mediator with the Father. He it was who died on the cross to atone for our sins. He became the firstfruits of the Resurrection. Because He died, all shall live again. ‘Oh, sweet the joy this sentence gives: “I know that my Redeemer lives!” ’ May the whole world know it and live by that knowledge"
Thomas S. Monson-Prophet of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. 

I add my own testimony to these. I know with all my heart that Christ lives. He is our eternal Savior. He came to to the will of His, of our, Father. He showed us the way to live. His gospel is that of peace and love. He was beaten, hung and crucified, yet rose again on the third day. He is the ultimate conqueror. He loves us with a love beyond our comprehension. He doesn't see us for what we have done....or for our faults.....He sees us for what we can become. Through Him, we are never alone. He has borne each of our sorrows and burdens. He made a purpose and plan for each one of us that we can return to live with Him once more.  In a world that is ever changing, He is not. He is constant. His doctrines and words are unchanging. He still speaks today as He did is days of old. In Christ, there are no true endings, only "Everlasting Beginnings."  He knows me, and you, individually. Even though we each may turn from Him at times, He will never turn from us. Though I have faults....and make mistakes so frequently...I know through Him....I can become greater. I (and you) have divine potential. Even when I cannot see it in myself, He can. In Him, none are forgotten.

Still needing some inspiration?? Try this song! As embarrassing as it may be to admit,..I'm pretty sure I've listened to in for the past hour on repeat. 

September 7, 2014

A Change of Season

I sit here this Sunday....reflecting on the past few months.

At the beginning of this year, David and I knew that we were going to experience a lot of change as the months flew by. At first thought, we felt it was going to be quite the adventure (and is sure has!).

Though, change can be a scary thing. It can cause fear of the unknown. Cause added stress. Or even give a string of tension headaches. At the same time, it can also be beautiful. Exciting. And even thrilling.

I think we have experienced each of those emotions the past few months. Some moments....we mange to feel of those emotions at once!

Most of all though.....this change has taught me an important lesson. I think if David and I had a theme for this year it would be:

"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths." Proverbs 3:5-6

He knows our hearts. He knows our fears. He knows of the silly, sometimes absurd things that make us feel inadequate. Even more.....He knows where we're going and what we need most.

He has a plan that is greater for us than what we can see for ourselves. It is up to us to put our trust in Him.

So no matter what life throws our way...whether it is a change of scenery, a change of state....or a change of job.....

This change becomes easier...and more comforting in knowing who is directing our path. 

With that are some photos from our time here in Provo! We have absolutely loved being here! Though in a mere 25 days...we will head to Missouri!

Also....Only 108 days til Christmas!! Practically time to begin listening to Christmas music..


The best snow cones I have ever eaten. If photos could capture would agree!

Hyram came home!! One of the definite summer highlights!

Though...I felt this photo did more to capture the moment. 

A temple day with this dashing couple! brothers became giants. They must have ate extra broccoli...

June 22, 2014

For the Better....

About two years ago....I took the plunge to move to Las Vegas.... Engaged to a handsome curly haired boy. I was certain, at the time, I would never get used to such a place. we have packed and moved...I will be forever grateful our first part of married life was in the Land of Casinos.

We will miss the sounds of continuous planes. Date nights of dancing to the radio in a parking lot....Or eating way too much ice cream while watching the airplanes.We will miss movie nights at the discount theater..and picnics in the backyard.We will miss the perfect winters...and monsoon rainstorms.....

Our Father in Heaven always guides us to the places that will help us grow. He always places us at crossroads with a promise.....If we seek Him....He will be our guide and comfort as we continue down the path. He will give us the strength to stand and grow closer to Him.

He knew Vegas was just what I needed.

Sure, we were able to do some incredible a variety of shows....visit cool sites...and take care of a beautiful home....

Even more our short time there....David and I learned so much about each other...our hopes....goals...and dreams. We both learned that we can do hard things....(Especially David who made it through the trenches of physical therapy school with flying colors!)

Most importantly....we had the chance to meet such incredible people. People who showed us friendship. Who took a chance on getting to know such a quirky couple. We will be forever grateful for that love....and for their examples.

I have no doubt that Vegas was the place David and I needed to be.....because it helped to continue to change our hearts.

Because of the people....we leave Vegas changed for the better.

Here are some photos from our last week!

We will miss these two! They will soon be great parents! 

We met up with Sister Davis again! We love her!

Our last night....filled with lots of laughs and great food! We will miss each of them! If ever injured..I would want to be in the same room as these amazing people!

We have loved our Sister missionaries! Perfect pair! 

Sigh....So long Vegas...Sadly..I never grew fond of your summers!

This handsome finished with classes.

 One more year until he is an official Doctor folks! 

Thanks for the memories! we come!

June 10, 2014

Cryin' Over Spilt Milk

Recently...on my way home from work, I decided to quickly stop at the store for some milk.

In my rush to check out, I dropped it.

My newly purchased gallon of milk shattered across the floor...gushing it's frothy goodness all over the floor....and pants.  I'm certain my face lit up like a red light bulb. I was immediately swarmed by sweet Smith's workers who kept reassuring me it was okay. I apologized half a million voice beginning to quiver each time.

Since I wasn't too much of help....they grabbed me a new gallon of milk...and sent me on my way. is where it gets absurd folks....I got in the car...and literally cried my eyes out for spilling the milk.

What does this have to do with anything you may be wondering? Well. Maybe nothing.

But for was the beginning of a week where I felt like I kept loosing everything. Including my wallet. And...the days were drawing closer to our end here in Vegas and we still were unlucky in the "finding a home" department.

Loosing my wallet seemed to be the climax of the week. Maybe I wouldn't have felt so bad if it was the first time this had happened. Or even the second. (I'm telling's people like me who keep the driver's license division in operation).

So I let myself wallow in frustration for a moment. Or seven... And then I realized how silly I was being.

We have been so blessed living here in Vegas. We are blessed  to have wonderful friends here. Blessed to have a job. Blessed to have each other. Blessed  to be starting a whole new adventure. Blessed to be healthy. Blessed to have a room with a working air conditioner... So many things I was grateful for flooded my mind.

So I prayed. And I thanked. And lets be real here...I probably cried some more.

And you know what?

My ring warranty papers were found. And though it was way past...they still validated it.

My wallet was found. At some restaurant that we hadn't even been to. A stranger had turned it in.

We found a place to live! A small basement apartment in Provo. is even month to month.

I found that I would get to keep working for my lovely boss.....even when we moved.

And a few other items I had been on the search for turned in a parking lot. (Miracle? Yes!)

Looking back at the past few weeks....every little stress I had....had been answered.

So why does spilt milk matter? Because I knew....and know even more now....That Heavenly Father loves me so much. He is so mindful of even the little things in my life. He is probably humored at how frequently I loose things... But He never gives up on me. He never love never fails.

Prayer works. Prayer is for real. He is there. He is listening. He knows every emotion we feel....even if it is the silly embarrassment of spilling your milk in front of whole heap of people. He is waiting....Waiting for us to turn to Him for help. None of my stresses were large or even life or death. They could be written off as a minor inconvenience..But to me it was important. And because He loves me....He was there to help.

You know what else?

He loves you just as much.

Here is a photo for your viewing enjoyment. Sometimes...we doodle pictures of each other. This lovely creation is the result. I think this is the most attractive photo I've ever seen of the two of us. Between his technicolor-ed pants and my Dutch shoes...I don't know what is better...
Have I mentioned how much I love him?

June 1, 2014

Just to Smile...

Life is good. So good. 

Especially upon receiving photos like this. My "little nymph"  who takes a bad hair day and rocks it. 

So smile. Laugh. Giggle uncontrollably

It's the secret to beauty. 

If you don't believe me.....take a look again at this photo....Kids are definitely in on the secret. 

I think we just sometimes forget as we get older.

Happy Sunday! 

May 29, 2014

It's been a while...

The past two months have been a blur! One second it was March....and's almost the end of May

I would fill you in on all of the details of our adventures the past I days are so intertwined that it gets a little complicated....

So...Instead of my is a picture update of the past two months of our lives.

Aimee and Eric and their cute little family came to visit us! We loved seeing them! the excitement of having them here...we were lousy at taking pictures. 

The best part? We will be living much closer to them this summer! Hello Star Wars lego set building and lots of fun! We can't wait!

I think life is pretty great for these ducks!

This cute girl and I ran a bubble run! Who wouldn't want to run through a mass of bubbles!

For some odd reason....cameras come out and I instantly feel the need to put my thumbs up and look overly excited!

Spring was wonderful! I miss it already. Sigh. The heat and I haven't quite become friends yet. 

And cue the drumroll....we celebrated our birthdays! We started off by watching a Cirque de Soleil show....I think my mouth was dropped in awe for most of the show. Amazing wouldn't quite cover it!

To continue our celebration...we had a squirt gun war! Sadly...I was the one who ended up soaked! I need to work on my James Bond moves..

This picture captures the millionth reason I love him! 

I think we're starting to look older....

Vegas is now home to the world's largest Ferris wheel! We had to go look for ourselves...If you are a thrill seeker with heights...I'm sure this would be just for you! David was nauseated just looking at it.

I love this photo! Your eyes are not mistaking you...that is an onion. It takes a pretty great gardener to keep an onion growing for two seasons! I don't think I've ever seen an onion that big in my life!

There you have it....a brief overview of the past two months. Time has gone so fast! We now have less than a month left here in the land of Vegas before our traveling begins.

Stay tuned.

It's going to be quite the adventure!

March 17, 2014

Spring Break or Bust

Last week was my spring break. (Even though online classes seem to follow you with any internet connection!)

This week is David's spring break.

So..add that together....times it by seven...and subtract three....and you get....(pause for drumroll) extended weekend of great things!

We went camping. It was a long consisted of walking out the back door, and building a fort on the lawn. What about the roaring fire you may ask? Oh. We had that covered. Our roaring fire came directly from a can....filled with alcohol. Perfect for marshmallow roasting!

Can you see that blazing fire? We're pretty much camping professionals. 

The next day...after getting to go to the baptism of one of our new friends...we went to the temple! It was a beautiful day!

I'm secretly posting this picture...without permission of David. I couldn't resist sharing with the world my incredibly dashing husband!

Remember this little guy? He made a temple appearance too!

Love is better than they say folks. 

Wait just a moment! Our festivities didn't end there! We had a visit from our wonderful St. George family....but picture. Use your imagination....5 really great people...eating dinner...and ice cream. Picture it? Great.

Today...we had some incredible goals to finish off our weekend. I got up really early to finish my assignments...And then we were going to go hiking at Red Rock Canyon! However...we never reached our destination. We ended up at a place even better. An undiscovered hidden gem of Las Vegas. 

Bonnie Springs.

Just skim over the following photos. You'll be hooked. And want to know how to get there. Wild burros.  A zoo.. a restaurant, and all of the "almost" western you could want! peacock. I'm certain that beats Red Rock any day. 

We didn't have any "next of kin" with us to notify. Luckily...we still made it out safely!

I don't think any words could sum up the odd humor I find in this photo..

I feel the look on David's face says..."You really think this will stop me?" 

So beautiful! 

Poor Jacob Carter. Maybe he should have tried the Bow and Arrow instead.

Also, future travelers're not required to use the outhouse! Hooray for modern plumbing!

Sigh. Dear Vegas, please have this type of weather all year long? Thanks, my fair skinned clan and I appreciate it. 

A cowboy actor? Are you thinking what I'm thinking? Coolest job ever! 

I posted this picture specifically to point white skin isn't ready for the unsettling burns of summer! Time to bust out the sunscreen!

Of course....the perfect western day wouldn't be complete without seeing some wild burros.

It was the perfect finish to a great weekend! There is no one else I would rather get lost with. As the wise pre-Dr. Brown put it today....."The destination is overrated. The journey is much better." 

I hope you all are enjoying spring as much as I am! If you're not....take a trip to Bonnie Springs!