June 22, 2014

For the Better....

About two years ago....I took the plunge to move to Las Vegas.... Engaged to a handsome curly haired boy. I was certain, at the time, I would never get used to such a place. Now....as we have packed and moved...I will be forever grateful our first part of married life was in the Land of Casinos.

We will miss the sounds of continuous planes. Date nights of dancing to the radio in a parking lot....Or eating way too much ice cream while watching the airplanes.We will miss movie nights at the discount theater..and picnics in the backyard.We will miss the perfect winters...and monsoon rainstorms.....

Our Father in Heaven always guides us to the places that will help us grow. He always places us at crossroads with a promise.....If we seek Him....He will be our guide and comfort as we continue down the path. He will give us the strength to stand and grow closer to Him.

He knew Vegas was just what I needed.

Sure, we were able to do some incredible things....watch a variety of shows....visit cool sites...and take care of a beautiful home....

Even more though....in our short time there....David and I learned so much about each other...our hopes....goals...and dreams. We both learned that we can do hard things....(Especially David who made it through the trenches of physical therapy school with flying colors!)

Most importantly....we had the chance to meet such incredible people. People who showed us love....support...and friendship. Who took a chance on getting to know such a quirky couple. We will be forever grateful for that love....and for their examples.

I have no doubt that Vegas was the place David and I needed to be.....because it helped to continue to change our hearts.

Because of the people....we leave Vegas changed for the better.

Here are some photos from our last week!

We will miss these two! They will soon be great parents! 

We met up with Sister Davis again! We love her!

Our last night....filled with lots of laughs and great food! We will miss each of them! If ever injured..I would want to be in the same room as these amazing people!

We have loved our Sister missionaries! Perfect pair! 

Sigh....So long Vegas...Sadly..I never grew fond of your summers!

This handsome guy...is finished with classes.

 One more year until he is an official Doctor folks! 

Thanks for the memories!
Provo....here we come!

June 10, 2014

Cryin' Over Spilt Milk

Recently...on my way home from work, I decided to quickly stop at the store for some milk.

In my rush to check out, I dropped it.

My newly purchased gallon of milk shattered across the floor...gushing it's frothy goodness all over the floor....and fortunately...my pants.  I'm certain my face lit up like a red light bulb. I was immediately swarmed by sweet Smith's workers who kept reassuring me it was okay. I apologized half a million times.....my voice beginning to quiver each time.

Since I wasn't too much of help....they grabbed me a new gallon of milk...and sent me on my way. Now...here is where it gets absurd folks....I got in the car...and literally cried my eyes out for spilling the milk.

What does this have to do with anything you may be wondering? Well. Maybe nothing.

But for me...it was the beginning of a week where I felt like I kept loosing everything. Including my wallet. And...the days were drawing closer to our end here in Vegas and we still were unlucky in the "finding a home" department.

Loosing my wallet seemed to be the climax of the week. Maybe I wouldn't have felt so bad if it was the first time this had happened. Or even the second. (I'm telling you....it's people like me who keep the driver's license division in operation).

So I let myself wallow in frustration for a moment. Or seven... And then I realized how silly I was being.

We have been so blessed living here in Vegas. We are blessed  to have wonderful friends here. Blessed to have a job. Blessed to have each other. Blessed  to be starting a whole new adventure. Blessed to be healthy. Blessed to have a room with a working air conditioner... So many things I was grateful for flooded my mind.

So I prayed. And I thanked. And lets be real here...I probably cried some more.

And you know what?

My ring warranty papers were found. And though it was way past...they still validated it.

My wallet was found. At some restaurant that we hadn't even been to. A stranger had turned it in.

We found a place to live! A small basement apartment in Provo. And....it is even month to month.

I found that I would get to keep working for my lovely boss.....even when we moved.

And a few other items I had been on the search for turned up...one in a parking lot. (Miracle? Yes!)

Looking back at the past few weeks....every little stress I had....had been answered.

So why does spilt milk matter? Because I knew....and know even more now....That Heavenly Father loves me so much. He is so mindful of even the little things in my life. He is probably humored at how frequently I loose things... But He never gives up on me. He never love never fails.

Prayer works. Prayer is for real. He is there. He is listening. He knows every emotion we feel....even if it is the silly embarrassment of spilling your milk in front of whole heap of people. He is waiting....Waiting for us to turn to Him for help. None of my stresses were large or even life or death. They could be written off as a minor inconvenience..But to me it was important. And because He loves me....He was there to help.

You know what else?

He loves you just as much.

Here is a photo for your viewing enjoyment. Sometimes...we doodle pictures of each other. This lovely creation is the result. I think this is the most attractive photo I've ever seen of the two of us. Between his technicolor-ed pants and my Dutch shoes...I don't know what is better...
Have I mentioned how much I love him?

June 1, 2014

Just to Smile...

Life is good. So good. 

Especially upon receiving photos like this. My "little nymph"  who takes a bad hair day and rocks it. 

So smile. Laugh. Giggle uncontrollably

It's the secret to beauty. 

If you don't believe me.....take a look again at this photo....Kids are definitely in on the secret. 

I think we just sometimes forget as we get older.

Happy Sunday!