Though many people may disagree, I have loved the rain the past couple of days. Aside from the cold that is. My favorite is when it's pouring rain with lots of thunder and lightning. In an odd way, I find it sort of comforting.
It makes me want to snuggle up with a book (as nerdy as that may be), or watch a great movie. I love the times just as it's starting to downpour and you have to make a mad dash into your house or car. I love that excited feeling of trying unsuccessfully to avoid the rain and getting completely soaked. After that you might as well just keep playing in the rain!

Someday, I want it to rain so hard that I can go down the road in a canoe. And someday I want someone to dance with me in the pouring rain. Since I tend to be a hopeless romantic, I had to throw that one in there haha.

Another favorite part of the rain, is that it's always followed by a rainbow. No matter how hard the storm gets, there is always that amazing fresh rain smell and a great rainbow.

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