August 17, 2011

Hanging by a moment....

Today..on my mindless run to get groceries, I saw the end result of a car wreck. Right in front of me were three paramedics kneeling on the ground preforming CPR on the person in the middle of them. It wasn't a very pretty site..

I've been thinking about it ever since for some reason. One instant. That's all it took for that person to go from going about life normally to lying on the ground...fighting for life. One moment. A moment that the family will get the call saying their son, daughter, husband or wife has been in an accident. Thinking about it in that perspective, you would think the world would be placed on pause, that everyone would tune in for that second to somehow help the outcome...

I watched as the line of cars began to form behind the flashing cop cars stopping traffic. People who were just going about their daily lives, getting slightly annoyed at this new delay that would throw their routine off. When in just a mere few hundred feet in front of them, someone was seriously injured. It just put into perspective for me, how all too often we get consumed by our own lives, caught up in our current moment, school, work or even silly errands...and we don't give thought to what the person next to us is facing or going through. We just simply void our emotions.

The point is, that everything can all change in a split second. I don't know if the person today lived or died. I don't know who they were, or any part of their life story.. But I know that today has probably been an incredibly hard day for their loved ones. We don't know when our "instant" will come...but odds are, that we won't be expecting it. Don't let that moment pass you up to let someone close to you know how you feel...don't waste all of your words by never sharing them.

You never know when that moment, instant or second could be changed forever..

1 comment:

  1. You are exactly right! In an instant everything can change. One day you have somebody you love and the next they are gone. That is one thing that Rusty and I have learned with what happened with his mom and the scare his dad had the other day. Life is a precious thing that we tend to take for granted with the hustle and bustle of our everyday lives. Its moments like these (reading your post) that reminds me how lucky I have to have one more day surrounded by the love of my life and our beautiful kids. Another day to have to read another one of your amazing posts. Love you sis!!! More than you will ever know!


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