December 16, 2011

Well...That's All Folks

Finals completed....mission accomplished! Though as happy as I am for this semester to be over, I also feel a little sad. Maybe it's because I always feel a little sad when things end..especially things that you put a lot into or cared a lot for. Even the word "end" is to me.. just ceasing to be. It's true that all things have to come to an end...but I feel like...instead of stopping at the words "The End" I'd rather stop at "And they all lived happily ever after." That sounds much better right? However I am excited for a new change.

Isn't it crazy how change works? Sometimes it's don't even realize it's getting taller for example. One day you look back and see how different you are. Sometimes it's breaking a bone, getting a new job, or even moving. I mean if you think  about it, everyday something new in life matter how seemingly insignificant. Looking back at  just this past semester, it's crazy how much I've changed too. A mere four months and I feel like I've gained such a new perspective on things that I previously thought I had figured out or that I had been set on.

I think that's what change is best at. It helps you realize what's really important to you, what type of things you want....or even sometimes it helps you to see the things about yourself that you had previously tried to avoid. At least, I feel like that's what it has been for me this past semester.

Even with a lot of introspection though, I love that change brings excitement. A sense of anticipation for the unknown lying ahead. It almost makes you feel like an adventurer off on some new quest to slay dragons or find new treasure (ok...maybe not that intense...remember that overactive imagination?)

So though I'm a little sad to have reached "The end" of this semester, I'm also extremely, supertastically (yes..that's a word), very much excited to be done. I feel like I could burst out in song and dance ridiculously throughout the house. I'm thankful for my experiences, crazy adventures, tender mercies and the many things I have learned, both inside and outside of the classroom these past four months. You can never really know how fast everything can change. I'm working on enjoying that change while it lasts...and not trying to run from it.

Well....there ya have thoughts for the night!

Here are a few songs I've loved the past week...

And this one...just makes me happy :)

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