December 11, 2012

Life as of late...

Unpredictable. Exciting. New. Surprising....

And so much more then I could ever begin to put into words.The past couple of months have flown by! At this rate, I feel like if I blink my eyes, a whole week will suddenly disappear.

Looking back, so much has changed the past few months. And by that I mean....just about everything has. To be honest, sometimes so much change can be a little intimidating, and slightly scary..

However, I wouldn't trade one pinch of it. Not even the frequent moves. (I've become great at living out of a box..) As you could put it....I have loved being in love.

I know....hopeless sap coming out again. But the thing is. It's much deeper then that. People have tried countless times to describe what love it changes a person... how it should be.. yet they always seem to slightly miss the mark.

Love isn't superficial. It isn't something temporary or fleeting. At first, everything seems so much brighter....because that special someone is in your life. Then love helps you to realize how much you have needed that person in your life. How just simply knowing them makes you a better person. It touches each aspect of your life...and enhances the good. It's like the comfort of a good book, a warm blanket..and hot chocolate combined. Most of all. It makes you incredibly happy, because if all else will still have that one person to face the world with.

And with that, my friends, you can get through anything.

That's not to say that everything will go perfectly. Let me assure you, 98.72% of the time, things haven't worked out perfectly. (In a perfect world...I'd be asleep by now...instead of rambling to the keyboard...)

Mostly. I'm grateful for life as of late. For my incredible friends who never fail to be a phone call away...for my family, (especially my sister this past week...handling my phone calls...multiple times a day)..also for the new family I've gained...

And of course, for David. The person who has shown me what it's like to truly love someone. Who will do anything for those he cares about.  I love his sense of adventure, and the way he always tucks pens behind his ears. I love that he does so many little things for me....simply because he knows it will make me happy. That he has so many of the same little quirks his dad has. The way he treats the people around him and when he laughs really hard. I love his curly hair...though's something different everyday.  I love that he opens my door...and listens to me ramble. And that he plays with my hair...even if that means I miss half of most movies because I fall asleep.

Also, how could I ever forget....his slight* nerdy-ness. But I'll keep my sappy love rambles a little short.

Just five more days...I'll get to spend my forever with that boy. (That may sound like it was written calmly...but it was meant with a much more dramatic WHOOHOO attached...)

I. Can't. Wait.

On that are a few pictures to catch up the past couple months!

Brandon Flowers fireside!

David is really great at doing hair.

Working on our picture taking skills... (For Aimee!)

The coolest dinner....ever. Thanks especially to David's parents! Everything just dumped right onto the table. Literally.

Bass Pro Shops!

My sister came to visit for the weekend....along with my little niece!

Drumroll....I went through the temple! Two words: Beautifully simple.

And finally.. A couple of our engagement pictures!

November 15, 2012

Danke. Gracias. Merci.

Not that I speak any of the above languages....but this morning....I have felt like bursting with heaps of "thank yous. You know the feeling? Sort of similar to Christmas cheer, but Thanksgiving style. (I just envisioned people going about handing out pies dressed as a turkey....that's not what I was going's the overactive imagination...)

But I do have so incredibly much to be thankful for, especially this year. If asked, I don't think I could simply pinpoint just one thing. That would be like asking Willy Wonka what his favorite candy is. I have been blessed with the people in my life, my family, friends, past room mates, and even strangers. I have been on the receiving end of so much love, kindness and happiness. I have got to begin such new, exciting adventures. I have found even greater love through my family, and of course, have even been lucky enough to gain a whole new family as well.

And that's just skimming the surface. chocolate... boxes of soft kleenex.... I could go on and on. (Yet. My goal was to keep this short...)

The main point is, I'm so grateful for all that I have in my life. For all the things I have be able to learn, be a part of and experience. Of course it's not always perfect. My shoes come untied, I return library books back late, and occasionally, the car leaks oil. Plans fall through, roads become snowy...and some days can just simply be frustrating.

Yet, I think that's the great part of it all. As they say, "Life doesn't have to be perfect to be wonderful." Even when the road gets a little bumpy, or possibly filled with potholes....there can still be so much good through it all.

For the days when you're "Thankful List" is running a little short.... just look around.. Find something.

To everyone else....Thank you for being such a great part of my life! Watch the video. I love it. Sometimes, it's the simple things we forget that are the best!

 Also. One month from today.

30 days if you're counting....

But who does that... (Oh wait. I do..)

November 7, 2012


Some people can effortlessly play Stravinsky's 3 movements on the piano....upside down....with their eyes closed. Others can paint masterpieces that would put Picasso in the dark. Some can create food that makes you want to keep eating for days....and days. Others can hack down giant trees, simultaneously run three computers, run marathons, be crafty, design, draw.... or even jump rope (to name a few).

Me....well...I'm also rather talented. I have perfected the art of loosing things. Now, before you shake your head in disbelief...let me explain. I loose things at least on a daily basis. Keys. Phone. Glasses. Drivers license. Shoe. Shoes.. Sometimes, this talent even increases, and I loose multiple things throughout a mere couple of hours. Each time resulting in a frantic search throughout the entire area.

You see....this talent goes beyond just merely misplacing things. I know I have a tendency to loose things. So I try to outsmart myself to overcome this "talent". Here is an example: Most people come home and set their keys in the same place every time. My thoughts? "Oh....I'm sure if I set my keys on top of the fridge behind the oatmeal...I can't forget...because it's too absurd." But you know what happens without fail? I forget. And who even thinks to check behind the oatmeal..or in baskets..or under blankets.. when they're frantically searching for their keys!

I even tend to misplace random things. Here is a running total of my "lost items" the past week: The garage door opener, the can opener, stamps, floss, my purple sock, and last....but certainly not favorite pair of pants. may does that even happen! Well let me assure you ladies and gents, it's because I'm talented.

Last Thanksgiving...I almost didn't go home because I had lost my keys so well..

However, I'm grateful for such a talent. (I may regret saying that in the next five minutes..) No matter how frequently I loose things....after frantic searches, and apologetic prayers for loosing something yet again...and asking for help to find it.....I always somehow stumble across whatever I'm looking for. Sometimes.....It only takes minutes. And takes a couple months. Either way, the lost is again found.

So ultimately...I'm thankful for an absurd talent...and many simple answered prayers.

And also for this boy. Who still loves me through my faults, freckles, and uncanny knack for loosing things.

37 days folks.

On a final case you were worried.. My pants were found. Folded in the bottom of the blanket bin. The can opener and floss however...are still taking an extended vacation.

October 17, 2012


I seem to have dropped off the blogging radar the past few weeks. I feel like I have started this post ten different ways. Yet...I've found myself at a loss of words. Or maybe the better way to describe I couldn't find the right words.

I have officially been in the land of Las Vegas for the past two weeks...Which of course meant saying goodbye to Cedar. How does one say goodbye to a place that has grown to mean so much? Well. I still don't really know the answer to that question...mainly because I'm terrible with goodbyes... Though to be wasn't really Cedar that was tough to say good-bye to, (who likes to be frozen for a whole winter...) it was the people.

I met some of my best friends there. The kind that slide down the stairs on cookie sheets, brush your teeth for you on those nights when tiredness steals away your fine motor skills, stay up late just to bake or jump through rain puddles. The kind of friends that stay there through thick and thin....and thicker. I'll forever be grateful for them...especially this past year. Looking back, I was blessed throughout even the smallest of moments...Which resulted in slight teary-eyed goodbyes.

But just as every chapter ends....A new one starts.

Watching my family drive away after moving me in....I thought, "This is it, I actually live here." A thought that still pops into my mind at least every couple days. Living here has been an adventure in itself. I don't know what has been more fascinating to me..... The seven zillion cars driving around, stores for everything you could ever think of thinking about, bus routes (I don't know why that is so interesting...), countless bright lights, the lack of cold days or the constant motion.

Not to mention.....there are even multiple Walmart stores within a few mile radius! That sounds like it would be great. But for someone who gets turned around almost just walking out the has been a quest. Lucky for me. My grandma...being the wonder woman she is...gave me a GPS upon moving here. Something that has been one of the best tools in navigating my way just about everywhere.

However. I haven't mentioned the best part of this chapter. In all of my imaginations....if you would have asked me a year ago if I could see myself living in the land of casinos...I would have laughed. That is of course, until David came into the picture.

So, yes. Vegas has been different then any place I have imagined. But to be here with him....has made it a perfectly exciting adventure. Seeing him much better then the computerized skype version of him. Truth be told, I have loved to be here with him.

The best part about being in love with someone..... there is always something new you can learn. The best part about loving someone who is like your best friend...learning those things...figuring it all fun. So even if that means I have to learn to work on my navigating skills, I wouldn't trade it.

I also wouldn't trade the spending my evenings with David, with his furrowed brow look, studying everything from head to toe...literally. Or even just watching episodes of Smallville....(Advice...don't start watching it! Walk away. Or else, you'll inevitably fall into its enchanting powers...the only remedy is to donate part of your life to finishing the seasons). He is so witty at times, and never fails to make me feel better.

And even though being here meant leaving Cedar, I'm still happy. A place or distance doesn't determine friendships. Besides....with technology...I'm sure teleporting is the next thing to be developed.

Life in Vegas? Stay tuned. 

Also. In case you were somehow wondering, this post was written while being serenaded by glorious Christmas music......68 days until Christmas...58 days until we get married!

Not that I'm counting...

September 21, 2012

Picture Perfect..

You know, getting lost isn't as bad as most think. this was perfect.

Imagine Snow White. Up Cedar Mountain...without black hair, flowy dress and seven trailing dwarfs. And just replace the singing birds with little frogs....and there you will have the place. A stream...small cabin....sheep and deer in the distance...little frogs hopping everywhere.. It was like something stamped out of a book.

 So naturally, I had to catch a few. And just in case you were wondering....climbing a fence while holding a wiggling frog is much more difficult then one would imagine....

This little guy enjoyed his picture being taken much more then the other little frog. At one point...there was a fish....but believe it or are even harder to hold one handed and take a picture simultaneously.  

At places like this...there isn't much room for worry. It took an afternoon spent with slimy little frogs and splashing in the stream to remind me what really matters....and you know what? It was perfect. 

To top it off....I came home to a room mate who let me warm up my water frozen feet under her while sitting on the couch. (In case you needed to know someone cares if they let you stick your half frostbitten feet on them....ok...frostbite may have been an exaggeration...)

If you're a little amused envisioning my story...that's great.. Or possibly..if you were frogs were harmed in the taking of these pictures. They were all safely returned to their little frog families. Most of all, I was thankful. Thankful for a day of perfect little moments....even if they were moments of simple happiness, comfort, and slight silliness.

September 3, 2012

"In Terms of Forever.."

The past few months, I've been thinking about a simple question that most of you will think is a little silly. I've been trying to figure out what makes people want to do hard things. I mean, granted...we all tend to be faced with trials and hard times whether we choose them or not...yet...

How do people do it....get through grueling school programs, handle loss, disappointment, hurt....or overcome challenges like surgeries, broken arms, family problems or even learning disabilities? And even more....what makes us, as people, want to go through them? 

I mean, many of the hard things we face are a result of our own choice. For example, a choice to pursue further education isn't exactly going to be like a nice day at the beach. Or choosing to move to a new place, buy a house or a car, travel, raise a family, learn a new instrument....

All of those things pose some level of challenge. There comes a  point with each....that one might have the sudden overwhelming desire to hide under the blankets for an extended period of time with a spoon and a bucket of ice cream...(Or maybe that's just me).

Can you see why I've had this on my mind for a while? I mean, I wasn't so blind as to not see the immediate answers...personal growth...becoming more, finding a greater purpose, furthering our talents... 

But I felt there was more. 

And lucky for me, I'm blessed to have so many incredible people in my life....people who were able to answer my question without even know it...simply by the way they live their lives. To top it off, the simple answer from a great friend...

"Sometimes, it's through the hard things that we feel our hearts and souls stretching the most.....but as a result....He allows us to feel that much greater happiness and joy."

The best part about that no matter what we are matter how hard our burdens may be, even if it may simply be in learning a talent....There is someone to help us carry that burden. To help us through those hard times whenever it is that we may face them. 

Even more that when we do face those hard things, we begin to see ourselves in terms of forever. And after all... that's part of the point of this life....right? So of course it's going to be hard...maybe at times, even a little scary. Yet, it never fails to be worth it, and in the end....those moments that once seemed so hard....will allow far greater moments of true happiness. 

This video....goes along perfectly. I've loved it so much that I may or may not have watched it 6 times...this morning. 

I know this is likely common knowledge for most people. I just thought I'd share my a portion of my thoughts...since I haven't been so great at the blogging business as of late. 

So for not have a fear of those things to come. To be prepared to enjoy the journey of it. A journey which I'm sure still includes days of blanket hiding and ice cream.

But that's okay....because I'm prepared....and will have an emergency spoon for those moments. 

Happy Monday! 

August 29, 2012

August 17, 2012...

Will be counted as one of my favorite moments to remember.

Most every girl grows up always hearing of countless love stories. Of knights in shining armor saving the girl from the fierce fire breathing dragon.They grow up with all sorts of fantasies of the kind of love that's supposed to sweep you off your feet...and make your heart beat ring in your ears. Fairy tales try to spread the magic...movies try to capture it....people try to find it.

As for me.....I wasn't sure if I believed in it. Sounds absurd to say coming from a girl who tends to be a hopeless romantic..I know. I saw so many people who seemed so captivated by that little thing called love. But I didn't connect myself with it.

Enter into the picture...David Brown. Right from the beginning, I thought he was pretty great, he was a little quirky, had a fantastic smile and made me laugh. However, also right from the beginning...I figured that it wouldn't go anywhere. After all, he was graduating that semester and I had a tendency to shy away from relationships.

Yet somewhere along the lines of handfuls of dates, almost killing him while hiking (though I'm trying to forget that part), his move to Vegas, skype dates, the amazing person he is and his loving turned into something more then I could ever imagine. That little thing called love? I fell right into it.

And you know what? It's even better then they try to tell you growing up.

So why does that make August 17th important? That just so happens to be the day that David pulled out the most beautiful ring I had ever seen and asked that one particular question. After getting over the surprise of it all, and not knowing whether to cry, squeal..... Of course I said yes.

Flash forward to December 15, 2012....and that shall be marked as the day that we get married. For time and all eternity. I can't wait. Because there is no one else that I would rather spend my forever with.

As one great institute teacher said last semester, "You're only half of who you are...half of your potential until you find who you will marry." Lucky for me, I couldn't have found a better half....That's not just because I'm biased...

So moral of the story....You never know what you'll find when you least expect it. Sometimes, (alright, most times)  it's not about the timing that you have planned for yourself....but the timing of Someone even greater. Just let yourself be open to it.

He didn't even have to save me from some fire breathing dragon....I'm beginning to that think that part of most fairy tales may be a little skewed when it comes to love....

August 3, 2012

C'est la vie!

A little over two years little white car came into my life. Alas...right from the beginning...she had her problems...but I was certain we could work through them..

Flash forward two more years and we've reach the end of my young cars life. Seeing how the past two years  have been a plethora of car after another....I've decided it's a good thing. My poor brother-in-law has been frequently greeted with, "Rusty! I've missed are things? Oh...and car is making a weird noise....I tried to turn the radio up so it would go away...but...." And then he would proceed to fix whatever ailment my car had decided to have. 

It would be safe to say that my car was a little temperamental. Who knows...maybe it's because her last owners tried to fill her with popcorn kernels... (You may think I'm joking...but that's what we found under the hood).

However, even with my car reaching an untimely death....I'm so blessed to have so many incredible people in my life so willing to help. Of course my grandparents fall under that category. As soon as my grandparents found grandpa was ready to head straight down here..but I reasoned a couple extra days wouldn't hurt. I think he was worried about my over productive tear ducts...and wanted to save the day. 

As lucky as I am, I got to spend yesterday hanging out with my grandparents and my little cousin. They brought me a loving bag of pears and of course, my grandpas favorite....squeaky cheese.We sold my car to a local car place....and before grandpa give me the wise counsel..."Manda, just give it one final kick to the tire."

So I did. And felt much better. 

Afterwards, we went to the museum here in Cedar. Often I think my grandpa still views me as a little girl, and wanted to make sure I was happy before he left. Which, by all means was perfect in my book. 
At the museum! 
I absolutely loved it. I got to spend time talking with my grandma as my grandpa went around from place to place and bringing up the old days. Which...on a different note....I think it's sad that we don't spend much time thinking about everything that the people of the past have done for us. I don't think I would have lasted long as a pioneer...their strength is amazingly inspiring.

Overall though, I feel blessed. Life may be pretty good at throwing curve balls....but most of the time, it ends up being a blessing in disguise. Even if you're no good at baseball (like myself)....Someone else gives you a bat that's big enough to hit the matter how terrible your swing.

As for me, I got to spend the day hearing an assortment of my grandpas hilarious, yet sometimes  incredibly insightful "one liners." Not only that.....but my grandma just has a way of making every situation seem better by finding all of the good things that come as a result. 

So long little car! 

But.. thanks for at least a couple of years! Hopefully you'll find new friends in car heaven

August 2, 2012

Enjoying the moment...

You know, I thought of a number of things I could say to attempt to sum up my thoughts about a certain someone....We could probably call him David.

But most of all....I'm just happy.

Happy to be around someone that is so thoughtful, funny, caring and quirky. Someone who laughs at my jokes even when they're not very funny. Who has such a great perspective on life. He goes above what I had imagined in dating (which, since I tend to be one of those pathetic hopeless romantics....means a lot).

Even more...I'm happy with who I am when I'm with him.

Not to mention, getting to spend the past weekend in Vegas was just the icing on the cake. If asked, I don't think I'd even be able to pin point my favorite part....he planned out the day with an assortment of things I loved doing. What a champ right?

I could go on about the little things I loved....being at the chocolate factory..spending time on the strip...seeing campus...hanging out at the library or even watching airplanes....but I probably wouldn't do it justice.

He even made me breakfast.


Told me a number of random stories to keep my tears at a minimum when my car decided to go on strike. (A plan that worked perfectly without me even realizing it...)

So as cheesy as this post might be, as they say..."If you can't beat 'em, join 'em." Adventure is out there...sometimes right in front of us...all you have to do is jump in.

I think it's safe to say I've jumped in.

Since I tend to forget about my camera... the weekend instead had to be documented with my highly developed stick figure skills..

July 22, 2012

The Little Brother...

Turned the big 15 this weekend!

He's now a cool teenage boy....filling his vocabulary with profound words like "Dude," "Totally sick," "Bro," or my favorite....the combination of all three. "Dude, Manda...I was with my bros, and it was totally sick....."

He now is often followed by a band of girls. He has developed a passion obsession for learning all about history and wars. And like every other teenage boy.....he thinks he is the coolest kid on the block.

But for me, I still see him as the little boy who would sneak into my room after his bedtime and fall asleep in my bed. I think of the boy who would dance around the kitchen with me while making cookies and would often (attempt) to paint my finger nails.

Look at that face? You can see his love for me overflowing!

Though he's now 15, to me he'll always be that sweet little boy who stuck it out through thick and thin. Even when he is being a slightly frustrating Captain Know-It-All, I'm still so proud of him and the person he is becoming.

And though he may be taller.....I can still beat him in arm wrestling and leg wars....

Even if I have to do so by cheating..

That's beside the point.

Happy Birthday Kaycee!

July 11, 2012

Part of the Adventure...

This summer has become something more then I could have imagined. In many ways, it's helped me to see my life through a new pair of glasses...(No pun intended.). I tend to like "The Known," as in, having a set plan for the things going on in my life I like being able to put everything out on a calendar and see what I'm doing...and plan on how to get from point A to point B. (Sounds a little silly to admit)...But I think by knowing I have a plan, I feel a little more safe.

Yet, as everyone already knows, you never get very far by playing things safe. I mean, I'm sure Mr. Armstrong never would have jumped around on the moon by simply playing safe. I think there is truth to the saying that some of the greatest things we do or experience in life are only accomplished by taking some sort of risk. By "playing safe" we tend to hold ourselves back, only doing the minimum to keep ourselves from disappointment or hurt.

The past while, I know I've been a little nervous not having a set plan for the next few months. I have known where I want to end up, but I didn't know about all of the space in between. To be honest, I was a little scared. When people would ask...I always felt like giving the overly dramatic response..."Ahhhh, I'm not sure! I don't know!" And then storm out. Like a 3 year old. Ridiculous I know....but imagining the looks I would get..was hilarious...(Overly active imagination taking over again...)

However, the past little while...I've began to realize that not having a plan has been exactly what I needed. That trying to decide everything at once...was like trying to eat everything on the table during Thanksgiving, including dessert. Which generally only results in the sick "What was I thinking" feeling.

Sometimes, things turn out the greatest when you least expect it to, in between the lines of planning and playing safe. You just have to be willing to take a risk or a chance on something more. Sure there is still a chance of making a mistake or getting scraped elbows, but sometimes, the end result is still worth it. After all...It's all part of the adventure. And, it just may turn out much better then your original plans.

As to figuring out and making decisions, I think I have made much better progress. I can't wait for whatever the future holds.

And, don't worry....If you ask what my plans are....I promise there will be no 3-year old temper tantrums.

June 21, 2012

Google it...

As of late, I believe I have caught the travel bug.

It's a very contagious illness...and has relapsing symptoms upon seeing pictures of friends or family off on different adventures.

To combat these symptoms, I did what most do in a panicked state and..... turned to Google. 

I visited Multnomah Falls in Oregon...

 Made a quick stop in Venice, Italy.....
 Then of course simply jumped on over to Ireland...

And finally looked at the sunset from Huntington Beach..

Thanks Google....for making me a virtual adventurer for a few moments. Though it may be practically pathetic....When all else fails...

Google it. 

June 17, 2012

Father's Day...

Is usually one of those times when people act a little awkward around me....or try to skirt around the subject of fathers in general like saying the wrong thing will offend me.. Which is far from true. I enjoy talking about fathers.

True I don't really have a "father" around in the typical sense....

But you know what? I'm even luckier. I've been blessed to have a handful of really great "fathers" in my life who have impacted my life in more ways then I can count. And for that...I am incredibly grateful. 

Especially for my grandpa..who has helped me to know what a father is and should be. Words wouldn't do justice for all of the things he has done for me. He has been there for literally every step of my life....and has believed in me through everything. I look up to him so much. His love, selflessness, humor, determination and faith are just a few reasons I hope to be like him when I grow up...  They really don't come much better. 

To him and the others who have had a hand in helping me get to where I am...Happy Father's Day! I'm glad there is a whole day set aside to celebrate your greatness. You deserve it.

Talk about a slightly old picture! But alas..all I could find...

Also...I love this song...and since it's Sunday...what a great time to share it!

June 7, 2012

Vast Measures...

First of all, before continuing to read, keep this in mind:
 (This was found under the notes of nerd in the dictionary)
"A geek  is any smart person with an obsessive interest, a nerd  is the same but also lacks social grace, and a dweeb  is a mega-nerd"

After reading this, you might slightly classify me under one of those....So I'm going to hope for geek, as pitiful as that may sound. 

Anyway, over the past couple weeks, I have developed a slight irrational fear of my brain turning to mush this summer. Mostly because I sit at a desk for approximately 8 hours a day. And let me tell you...with listening to the clock tick and watching the plants grow, my mind was in definite danger of melting...

Granted....I do love my job. Especially the people I work with. And occasionally, I do exciting things like....answer the phone, shred paper, or make copies. On a good day, there are even some projects needing completion or interesting [enlightening] discussions. Though...most often that leaves about 6 hours to fill..

Now, not to worry, I haven't simply been watching the plants grow the entire summer. I mean, I've watched a fair share of movies and read a handful of books....But I felt like I needed something to make me think...

So first, I brought my old notes from past classes....And that was a great change...

For a couple days. 

Then I visited the library! Oh how I love libraries! (If I'm, ever jobless and kicked out of school....I would look into being a a librarian. Or a wal-mart greeter...but that's beside the point). After paying my long overdue fine...(oops..) I checked out Les Miserables.

1463 pages of  pure anti-brain mushing powers.

And as nerdy/geeky as it is....I can't wait.

Only 1362 pages to go!

June 4, 2012

Rearranging My ABC's..

Excited. Slightly nervous. Lost. Mesmerized*. Ecstatic. Captivated. Delighted. Happy. Exhausted.

Those are just a few simple words to cover some of what I felt this weekend. I've been thinking the past few days about how funny words are. I tend to be one who rambles...and slightly stumbles over the words I want to say and the words that actually come out of my mouth....

I think we all have a tendency to do that. I often do we see someone do something that we like or think is great...yet don't tell them? So....I've decided I want to become a better [words type] of a person (sounds absurd, I know). I'm implying words that are a little more meaningful....To let the people in my life know a little of what I'm thinking... After all....I think it would make things a little easier..even if it sounds a little silly.

With that... here are some thoughts about the people I spent time with the past weekend:

 *Some of these pictures were obtained through slight stalking....just remember it was out of love!*

Miss Peacock.. Seriously great! She thankfully opened the door to bringing excitement to the past weekend! Without her flying into the airport...I wouldn't have had my first Vegas-driving experience. Or had such an enjoyable time getting hopelessly lost (For any of you attempting that's exciting and a little scary. I'd recommend a GPS, 3 maps, googled step by step directions, and someone who knows how to avoid construction..) Though it was unexpected...I'm thankful to have had the chance to get to know her. Her love of cleaning out the fridge, brilliant slightly nerdy mind, social media expertise, excitement over H&M, and her nose crinkle when she laughs are just a few reasons I've love her.

This boy...David. He's kind of a big deal.....though doesn't quite know it. I was of course happy to get to see him this weekend too! When in Vegas...I would also recommend having someone like him around! He's great at making me laugh...and even (somehow...) manages to put up with my quirks and listening to me ramble. I don't know if it was his great eyes and smile, funny dance moves, kindness, amazing family, mis-matched socks, excitement over talking about interesting things your body does or first showing me how to get on top of the elementary school that won me over...but somehow he did. He has a way of making me excited to do even simple things...All in all...he's pretty great. In approximately three years...I'm sure he'll be able to fix any of your physical therapy ailments.

Kirk's family.....In case you were wondering.....this isn't his actual family. But they were so incredibly kind! I mean...they let two strange girls stay at their house. Let us sleep on their instant-sleep-inducing bed and fed us. Not to mention they were so welcoming and kind.

Whitney Lee and K.P....They are seriously some of the most giving people ever. And spent the evening cloud gazing with me when I felt like putting my to-do list off. gazing...licorice...and blankets made me feel way more content then I ever expected. They are always looking out for me. And laugh at my jokes even when they're not as funny as I think they are. Getting little unexpected notes from them or a text that makes me smile are some of my favorite parts of the week.

Shelby! I got the chance to skype with her Friday morning before I left. This girl is so much greater than she knows! Even being in Turkey...she amazes me. And...she is so beautiful...the natives think she's Turkish! She is one of those that is probably going to change the world. She is an such a great listener, determined and has a hilarious tendency to listen to Spanish and Turkish rap. She had me won over the first time she played with my hair and scratched my back...

Rusty and Amber.... Though I didn't see them this past weekend..... I still wish I could tell them how thankful I am for everything they do for me. At the rate I'm going...I should probably be their indentured servant for the rest of forever. Even if it's simply to comfort me that I have enough oil in my car and won't self destruct (ok...maybe sometimes I have a slight irrational fear of cars breaking/self combusting..), or calm me down when my eyes develop a slight worry induced leaking problem; they are both always there. They blow my mind with all they have overcome...and...I sort of miss them like crazy. I secretly like that they tease me and call just to tell me something funny/check up on makes me feel loved.

Syd Landeen. First of all....look how cool she is! I also didn't see this lovely woman the past weekend but....according to the calendar...she should be back from France! Which makes me want to dance. Or maybe prance...with a lance? She has been like wonder woman for me the past year...and is so incredible. I'll be forever grateful for all she has helped me with. You know what they say about gingers....

Anyway...if you've manged to get this far in reading...... The point is I have so many incredible people in my life. And sometimes I don't do a good enough job in telling them how much they mean to me..or about the little things they do that make my whole day.

Here's to the start of changing that. may result in an even more jumbled string of rambles. Maybe it's better to say too much. Bear with me.

And if any of you are planning a trip to can be pretty great and rather warm. Prepare your eyes to try and take everything in without getting exhausted..Make sure you go with someone who can find you when you're lost, and with people who make you feel excited to spend time with. Because even with all the bright lights and showy-ness of that city....the people you're with make it even better.

Viva Las Vegas!  

May 24, 2012


Code for....Castle Valley Pageant. 

If you know me...I've probably mentioned it once or twice....

Mostly because I love it! After's been a part of my summers almost every year since I was a wee little girl with no front teeth. And even though it's been exactly the same every's still so great!

Seeing a video of it this morning made me so excited to watch it this summer.

With wagon rides, making pioneer yo-yos, milking Bessy the cow, snuggling up with piles of blankets, Abe and Nieva, and a flashback to pioneer times..what could be better?
One of my favorite scenes! 

So if you haven't seen it..or heard of should probably fix that this summer.

It's kind of a big deal.

May 21, 2012

Once in a Lifetime...

First of all....I have some of the greatest friends [and family]. I was already excited to have existed for a whole two decades...but they made it even better. They definitely succeeded in making me feel incredibly loved. So here is a shout out to all of the amazing people in my life...Thank you for all you do! And for being such great influences in my life. I'm very blessed to know each of you! 

Here is also a picture from that day....(courtesy of Cheri...since I'm slightly camera-less and she tends to be a photo genius..and looks great in her hat)

(I'm certain I look much older then the day before...)

Secondly...This is my first post all summer! Oopps!

Anyway.. back on track...

Yesterday, we watched the great, spectacular "Once in a lifetime" solar eclipse. It was pretty incredible (though sadly..I don't think I received any super powers yet..) . And a perfect night....even aside from the eclipse.
However...I got to often do you hear the words: "This is a once in a lifetime experience...A must see! Don't let it pass you by!"

But couldn't that be true for everyday of our lives? After all...there will never be another May 21, 2012 in my life...and what have I done so far? Read part of a book...and doodled. Everyday is a once in a lifetime experience.... yet we're all so good at waiting for some big, spectacular moment to be that "experience."

Maybe it's about making those moments yourself...or finding them at least.

I'm not implying that every second of our lives should be action packed, spectacular, thrill seeking moments of craziness....that would be borderline insane...and probably not doctor recommended. I just think, for me anyway, that it's about finding those things that are worth it...and not giving up because it may seem scary. It's about not letting days pass by without doing something that makes you happy or excited. Most of's about not sitting around waiting for something great to come around.

So that's my new goal, to make this a summer a great Once in a lifetime experience. To take a chance. Find new adventures. Eat lots of snow cones. And everything in between.

April 23, 2012

Miles all begin with...

I tend to be a planner...but a lot of the the time, looking at the big picture of things or figuring out the future....sort of scares me a little bit...and.. makes me slightly want to hide under my blankets eating ice cream instead.

But I've realized...I don't have to have it all figured out right now. That's the point. After all, even if I did manage to figure everything out and have a plan...knowing myself it would all change again in a week.'s just about taking things "one step at a time"

Because you never know.....One step can make a huge difference. 

In the mean time, amid the craziness of finals week...and moving...I'm thankful for the [simple] joys that never cease to make my day.... Things like:

-pull through parking spots
-finding surprising little notes from good friends
-snoozing my alarm for an extra 10 minutes (ok ok...maybe half an hour..)
-warm weather! 
-great picnics
-green grass, flowers, and the smell of lilac bushes
-hugs...the good long ones
-catching up with my sister....and talking to my nieces and nephew.. (cutest kids ever!)
-walks (or running in a 5k!)
-accidentally reading a book instead of doing all my homework..
-finding a new favorite song...and listening to it a mazillion times
-water being back in all the ditches!
-walking home barefoot

So if finals week ends up being the death of least I'll make it an enjoyable death. And as to everything else...I'm sure I'll figure it out at some point...

March 26, 2012

And Somedays....

School is pretty cool.

And learning makes you excited. Giddy almost. (Alright don't laugh...we all already knew I was a nerd..)

Like when you get to use a bone saw to cut into the thoracic cavity of a cadaver...then further proceed to slowly take out the heart.. (Few times in my life can I say that has is one of them!)

Yep...days like that are 100% pretty exciting....even if they result in lingering goggle lines for a few hours. Too bad more people don't realize how incredibly cool, fantastic, and mind-blowingly awesome and their bodies are. Maybe they wouldn't be so hard on themselves.

And somedays... 

*on a different note*

I wish more people would be willing to take a risk (myself included..) 

Wouldn't that make life much more interesting?

After all....what is the worth of a handful of "What-ifs?"

Surprise yourself.

Take a risk.