December 11, 2012

Life as of late...

Unpredictable. Exciting. New. Surprising....

And so much more then I could ever begin to put into words.The past couple of months have flown by! At this rate, I feel like if I blink my eyes, a whole week will suddenly disappear.

Looking back, so much has changed the past few months. And by that I mean....just about everything has. To be honest, sometimes so much change can be a little intimidating, and slightly scary..

However, I wouldn't trade one pinch of it. Not even the frequent moves. (I've become great at living out of a box..) As you could put it....I have loved being in love.

I know....hopeless sap coming out again. But the thing is. It's much deeper then that. People have tried countless times to describe what love it changes a person... how it should be.. yet they always seem to slightly miss the mark.

Love isn't superficial. It isn't something temporary or fleeting. At first, everything seems so much brighter....because that special someone is in your life. Then love helps you to realize how much you have needed that person in your life. How just simply knowing them makes you a better person. It touches each aspect of your life...and enhances the good. It's like the comfort of a good book, a warm blanket..and hot chocolate combined. Most of all. It makes you incredibly happy, because if all else will still have that one person to face the world with.

And with that, my friends, you can get through anything.

That's not to say that everything will go perfectly. Let me assure you, 98.72% of the time, things haven't worked out perfectly. (In a perfect world...I'd be asleep by now...instead of rambling to the keyboard...)

Mostly. I'm grateful for life as of late. For my incredible friends who never fail to be a phone call away...for my family, (especially my sister this past week...handling my phone calls...multiple times a day)..also for the new family I've gained...

And of course, for David. The person who has shown me what it's like to truly love someone. Who will do anything for those he cares about.  I love his sense of adventure, and the way he always tucks pens behind his ears. I love that he does so many little things for me....simply because he knows it will make me happy. That he has so many of the same little quirks his dad has. The way he treats the people around him and when he laughs really hard. I love his curly hair...though's something different everyday.  I love that he opens my door...and listens to me ramble. And that he plays with my hair...even if that means I miss half of most movies because I fall asleep.

Also, how could I ever forget....his slight* nerdy-ness. But I'll keep my sappy love rambles a little short.

Just five more days...I'll get to spend my forever with that boy. (That may sound like it was written calmly...but it was meant with a much more dramatic WHOOHOO attached...)

I. Can't. Wait.

On that are a few pictures to catch up the past couple months!

Brandon Flowers fireside!

David is really great at doing hair.

Working on our picture taking skills... (For Aimee!)

The coolest dinner....ever. Thanks especially to David's parents! Everything just dumped right onto the table. Literally.

Bass Pro Shops!

My sister came to visit for the weekend....along with my little niece!

Drumroll....I went through the temple! Two words: Beautifully simple.

And finally.. A couple of our engagement pictures!



    And I love that.

    PS. I ALSO appreciate the photos.

  2. I want to add:

    1. Your nails are fancy.
    2. Your smile is unabashedly happy.
    3. You look cuter in my shirt than I ever did.
    4. You will have THE cutest (& smartest) kids.
    5. Let's be friends forever.

  3. Haha Cheri...You make me laugh! I loved that comment so much and...I love that you used the word....unabashedly.


Comments...Are loved!