February 13, 2012

A Story Worth Telling...

For those of you who have been around me, you know that the past few weeks have been somewhat of a doozy. They have been a little bit of here, there and everywhere..

Yet every week, there has been a person that has somehow brushed shoulders with my life to help me keep things in perspective. People that have just happened to share their brief "stories" with me, often when I needed it most. If by now you're wondering what on earth I'm talking about, let me give you some examples..

(By the way...the names in the following stories have been changed...so no stalking)

On a quick trip to the grocery store, I met John. He is in his 70's...and has about ten kids. The youngest is only about eleven. John and his wife were almost to retirement when a little girl was abandoned by a drug addict mother shortly after being born. With no one around who wanted her, John and his wife adopted her. As he describes her, she is the light of his world, a little girl special beyond words. As a result though....he has to work over forty hours a week to provide for them. His biggest fear is that he won't be around for her very long.  Even so, he doesn't let that fear stop him, in his words, "Sometimes, you just have to keep going."

Another time, I made a stop at the bank. As I was sitting in the chair, I said hello to the little old man next to me. After a short conversation, I went back to thinking over my to-do list for the day, not paying much attention. I felt a tap on the shoulder and looked over at my new little friend. He handed me the best thing I could have asked for that day. A free hug coupon. He said, "Everyone needs one now and again. It's a comfort. Knowing you're not in this alone." He gave me two...one to pass along to someone else. He has been making copies of those "coupons" for the past 20 years. Shortly after his wife and kids stopped talking to him. He lives alone, but still goes out of his way to make sure other people feel at least a little more loved.

One of my favorites was Ron. We struck up a conversation as I was walking down the hall. He had just received news that his wife might have leukemia. She has had a lump above her eye for quite sometime. He's afraid of not having much time with his "lovey dovey," but doesn't want to make her worried. He's had a job since he was 15, and has done his best to give everything back to his family. He lost his son 13 years ago in a fire, and though he didn't have to say it....he still slightly blames himself. He was also quite the advocate for me to learn spanish someday. He told me, "Don't quit on where your heart is. And don't ever stop pursuing knowledge, even if you're flat broke and no where to go, there will be something to learn." 

The point I realized is....we each have a story. Filled with laughter, happiness, worry, a few tears and probably a little heartache, but the point is...the story goes on. A new chapter can always be written. 

And surprisingly, though not by coincidence,  most often....what matters most in those stories are the people in them....and the people that are touched by them

With that said, here's to the start of a new chapter!


  1. Amanda. You are AMAZING.I love how you not only found the stories out, but that you took the time to share them! Thank you!

  2. LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE this post! Loved the stories, and LOVE you!
    I especially loved the "free hug" coupon guy. So sweet. Thanks for sharing :)

  3. You guys are so great! Thanks for reading :)

  4. You are truley an inspiration to everyone you come in contact with. You are going to be such a great "doc manna" because you care enough about other people to listen to their stories, to care about their feelings, and you care about learning something from each of them, and then turn it all around and teach us that there is still goodness in the world and we each can partake of it. I love you Manna!

  5. You never cease to amaze me! I hope you know how incredible you are and that everyone is touched by your sweet spirit! I love you girly!!! :)


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