Life these days varies from a little hotter.....roasting.....and just about well done....
Yet....I very much love our lives as of late. David has been doing his clinical for the past few weeks..(which essentially means he is paying to work...) but it has been great!! And he's loving it! Only about a year an a half until you can officially call him Dr. Brown.
With both of us working.....we feel like such "grown-ups!" However, we still find time to do some pretty fun things....
Our Fourth of July!! Do you notice our red and blue? Or the stars on David's shirt? We take the 4th of July seriously over here!
We discovered the beautiful Sunset park! The first time...we were unprepared....and didn't bring
The second time.....they loved us! Almost to the point of hostility......
You can even watch them in action!!
What a dashing man I dare say! David of course....not the duck. Though they definitely attack....I mean...come in flocks.
Sometimes we also stumble across museums!
Ice cream dates! One of my favorite places! Did you read that? Finally.....proof that ice cream truly does build healthy bodies!
Only two more weeks until we move houses!! And only three more months until cooler weather!! I don't know which I'm more excited for....
Until next time!!
HAHA!! Cause that is exactly what you needed to learn! "Eat Ice cream everyday" ;)! Looks like fun you should take us there YEP YEP :)!