March 30, 2011

This and That..

In planning out my classes for next semester, I got to thinking a lot about the future. Things I want to do, things I hope to accomplish, and everything else in between.'s a little peak of my dreams, goals, and bucket list....

-Become a pediatric nurse
-Ride a motorcycle
-Fix up a house...from bottom to top...complete with a wrap around porch
-Carve my name into a tree with my future someone
-Fly in a helicopter/jet
-Go skydiving
-Be somewhere...with warm weather and not a care in the world
-See the Northern Lights
-Load up the car and drive..with no plans at all...just enjoying the moment
-Visit the castles in Europe
-Try sushi
-Be there for the ball drop on New Years in Time Square
-Watch the Phantom of the Opera in Vegas
-Be married in the temple
-Have a family..filled with the good, the bad...and all of the happiness, love and humor that falls between
-Ride a ferris wheel, for hours..talking about anything a
nd everything
-Make a difference, no matter how small
-See 10 different waterfalls...the big, beautiful..amazing ones
-Get lost with someone, and enjoy the adventure of finding our way back
-Find the best star gazing spot
-Anonymously give a stranger in need $1000
-Go to the Oregon coast
-Watch fireworks from the middle of a lake
-Fall in love

Well there you have it...a small portion from my ever growing list. Someday I'll accomplish them. :)

March 21, 2011

So long, farewell.. :)

Well spring break with all its greatness has came and went. I would have been perfectly happy to push pause of life for a little while last week, but as they say...all good things come to an end. (However...I don't think good things end...maybe they just change into something else that is good in a different way, but that's a rambling for another day).

My break was filled with new contacts, a trip to Zion's, hiking Angels landing, driving to California, singing our lungs out in the car, getting lost, the amazing greatness of the ocean, the beach, sandcastles, sunshine and of course sunburns.

Overall...I loved it! I also learned a couple things:
1. Snacking on granola bars for three days almost ruins them
2. I need to learn directions..or become close friends with someone who can find me when I get lost.
3. A little sunscreen and aloe vera are almost essential for people with red hair.
4. Even after eating so much food that you feel like you'll burst, there is always room for a little ice cream
5. Sunsets are amazing. But they're even better when you have friends or someone to love it with you :)

Now with spring's a time for new beginnings and changes. Plus...only 6 more weeks left in the semester!

March 10, 2011


I'm a fan of surprises. The good ones that is. They don't even have to be huge surprises, it could even be a little surprise that just makes you do nothing but smile for ten minutes.

I love how people always surprise you. At the start of this week, I wasn't too excited. With midterms piling up and a number of other things that I needed to do, I figured that it would be a slightly lousy week. I was very much tempted to just hide under my covers until the week was past.

I'm happy to say I was wrong. And my simple reason is: people.
They always seem to do what you least expect. Sure, at times, they may make you frustrated or annoyed...especially at times when you're in a hurry and you get stuck behind someone on the road going almost backwards because of their slow speed...But that's beside the times they do things that are just simply good. So this is my thanks to all those who made my week better. To the people who held doors open for me when I was about to drop everything. To good friends who laugh with me over silly things and who are always there to help. To the people who gave a seemingly simple compliment. To the random people who returned my waves while walking across campus. To the people in my classes who draw hilarious doodles with me that make class even better. To the adorable little old man at walmart who sat and talked about food with me. To all those who took that extra couple seconds to say hello and mean it. To my room mates, for assisting in building an awesome blanket fort. There were countless other little things...but my point is you never know what can help make someones day.

My lesson learned of the week is that it's ok to wave ridiculously and be excited to see someone. Maybe even someone you have never even met. It might just make their day, even if it's only because they laughed at how silly you were :).

So in the end...I survived the week! Hello spring break!!! Bring on the warm weather and sun shine! More importantly.....shout for joy, run around in circles, do a happy dance and possibly even jump on your bed....because no classes for a week!!!

March 3, 2011

Me, Myself & I

Just to skim the surface of who I is a list of 50 fantastic facts about me. (In no specific order)

I love love...

-the color blue
-lightning storms & pouring rain
-wiggling my toes in the grass
-summer nights*
-star gazing
-music...& singing at the top of your lungs while driving
-otter pops & dippin' dots*
-roller coasters
-chirstmas lights
-crinkly eyed smiles
-mis-matched socks*
-playing in the rain
-late nights, movie marathons, & ice cream
-the smell of wet cement
-random spur of the moment adventures
-back massages*
-campfires, smores & roasting starbursts
-putting pennies on railroad tracks
-cookies...right of the oven with milk
-little kids*
-wal-mart greeters
-sandwiches....and eating in general
-meeting new people
-doing laundry...and dishes
-getting excited over silly things
-sliding across the floor in my socks & dancing ridiculously *
-drawings from my nieces and nephew
-watching plays
-happily ever afters
-the feeling of finishing any hard work
-cheesy/sweet things (definitely a hopeless romantic)
-hiking/being outside
-the silence when it first starts snowing
-taking pictures with funny faces
-trying new things
-warm weather
-day dreaming*
-going to the dentist
-finding the humor in awkward situations

So there it is. A brief overview. I could go on...but the rest you'll have to get to know me to find out!