I'm a fan of surprises. The good ones that is. They don't even have to be huge surprises, it could even be a little surprise that just makes you do nothing but smile for ten minutes.
I love how people always surprise you. At the start of this week, I wasn't too excited. With midterms piling up and a number of other things that I needed to do, I figured that it would be a slightly lousy week. I was very much tempted to just hide under my covers until the week was past.
I'm happy to say I was wrong. And my simple reason is: people.
They always seem to do what you least expect. Sure, at times, they may make you frustrated or annoyed...especially at times when you're in a hurry and you get stuck behind someone on the road going almost backwards because of their slow speed...But that's beside the point...at times they do things that are just simply good. So this is my thanks to all those who made my week better. To the people who held doors open for me when I was about to drop everything. To good friends who laugh with me over silly things and who are always there to help. To the people who gave a seemingly simple compliment. To the random people who returned my waves while walking across campus. To the people in my classes who draw hilarious doodles with me that make class even better. To the adorable little old man at walmart who sat and talked about food with me. To all those who took that extra couple seconds to say hello and mean it. To my room mates, for assisting in building an awesome blanket fort. There were countless other little things...but my point is you never know what can help make someones day.
My lesson learned of the week is that it's ok to wave ridiculously and be excited to see someone. Maybe even someone you have never even met. It might just make their day, even if it's only because they laughed at how silly you were :).
So in the end...I survived the week! Hello spring break!!! Bring on the warm weather and sun shine! More importantly.....shout for joy, run around in circles, do a happy dance and possibly even jump on your bed....because no classes for a week!!!

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