March 30, 2011

This and That..

In planning out my classes for next semester, I got to thinking a lot about the future. Things I want to do, things I hope to accomplish, and everything else in between.'s a little peak of my dreams, goals, and bucket list....

-Become a pediatric nurse
-Ride a motorcycle
-Fix up a house...from bottom to top...complete with a wrap around porch
-Carve my name into a tree with my future someone
-Fly in a helicopter/jet
-Go skydiving
-Be somewhere...with warm weather and not a care in the world
-See the Northern Lights
-Load up the car and drive..with no plans at all...just enjoying the moment
-Visit the castles in Europe
-Try sushi
-Be there for the ball drop on New Years in Time Square
-Watch the Phantom of the Opera in Vegas
-Be married in the temple
-Have a family..filled with the good, the bad...and all of the happiness, love and humor that falls between
-Ride a ferris wheel, for hours..talking about anything a
nd everything
-Make a difference, no matter how small
-See 10 different waterfalls...the big, beautiful..amazing ones
-Get lost with someone, and enjoy the adventure of finding our way back
-Find the best star gazing spot
-Anonymously give a stranger in need $1000
-Go to the Oregon coast
-Watch fireworks from the middle of a lake
-Fall in love

Well there you have it...a small portion from my ever growing list. Someday I'll accomplish them. :)

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