First off...doesn't that face make you just laugh...haha love it!
Now after a busy Saturday I'm simply content to spend the rest of my night catching-up. Catching up on what you might wonder? My sanity. It requires a night of good food, possibly a movie, laughter and most of all no stress. Everyone needs at catch-up day....I think it should be an event celebrated weekly. If I were an evil genius that could take over the world...I would definitely make catch-up day a requirement.
On a different note....even with a crazy week and partially losing my mind, it was still good. I realize more and more often all of the amazing friends and people I have in my life. I don't know what I'd do without them. To make it even better...the weather!! It makes me oh so very excited.
I'm quite certain my mind has gone and left for summer. Sunshine, popsicles, late nights, star-gazing, fireworks...Ahhh!! I'm certain Cedar is going to be a mazillion times better in the summer then in the freezing cold winter. Only two more weeks left of the semester! :)
I love you my Amanda Panda Bear! :) You are adorable and I really hope that I get to see you sometime this summer - and if not, definitely lots next year! I LOVE YOU! :)) Keep your head above water!