He has always been there to play the role as both father and grandpa without complaint. He has the most pure heart out of any one I know, he works so hard for everyone around him no matter who they are. He is the first one so many people call when they're in need, and he would give them all he has I think if my grandma wasn't there to stop him. He doesn't express his emotions as much, he is more of the kind that shows their feelings through acts. He has so often been my security net, making me feel like everything would be okay without saying many words.
I love his passion for auctions, he can find the beauty or use in things that most of us would consider old and broken. I love his sense of humor, and how he calls all pop "soda water." I love how adorable he is with all of the grandkids. Most of all, I love that even though I'm grown up, he is always there for me. Hearing his words "Amanda, we're so proud of you" means more to me then he could ever imagine. Sometimes though, I wish I was a little girl again, crawling into his lap and not having to worry about a thing in the world.
I don't know why I felt the need to go on about my grandpa, but I guess it falls under the category of my life. I guess lately I've been thinking about the different people that have impacted my life. So there ya have it....my rambling of the day.
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