I feel like the past two weeks I have been so absorbed in the news. I find my self fascinated, shocked, nervous, and sad with each different story I read.
It's true. There are a lot of terrible things that have happened, happening and will happen in our world today. There are people who do cruel things, people who hate, and people filled with anger. There are families left fatherless, homes left in ruin and children who never again come home. In that light, it seems like we're living in a world of heartache.
In reading countless news stories, I find that it's almost like walking with blinders on. Tragedy strikes...and it seems like the focus is placed on the horror of the incident. I've seen facebook posts, news tweets and various blog posts about the "loss of humanity and hope" of our generation... Or articles titled "Will Such and Such recover from these dire circumstances?" (The news tends to use words other than Such and Such of course).
What the news and media often fails to include is the immense amount of good that we have in this world. It's not just suddenly our generation that is facing tragedies or wars or the effects of mother nature. People have been overcoming adversity for thousands of years. They just didn't have facebook to post about it.
The reason I have become fascinated with these stories, is because I can see the outlining of good in so many. I see people with lives and families of their own sacrificing everything for a mere stranger. I see people with a variety of background coming together and finding strength through each other. There are so many acts of pure kindness and even miracles through tragedy.
So my opinion? We live in a world full of good. True, there are many horrible happenings in our world. But through the right light, the good will always be greater. In a woman's conference I went to a couple months ago, they brought up the tragedy of the Provo, UT Tabernacle burning down. It was heartbreaking to thousands to see such a historic building destroyed. Yet, out of the ashes of destruction came something even better. A Temple.
Will Boston Find Peace? Will China Overcome? Will Texas Recover? Yes. Undoubtedly. Because that is what hope and love can do. It can take the hardest of circumstances and turn it into something even greater.
Hopefully you've stayed reading long enough to get to this point. Here is a pretty incredible story that sums up almost exactly how I feel:
How a 7-year old Renewed My Faith in Humanity
(Click that link to go to the story).
You have and amazing point of view! I always look forward to your blogs. I wish others could see things the way you did. The world would undoubtedly be a better place.