April 2, 2013

Hooray for April!

Well....after just about a full month of being sick, David has finally rejoined the world of the healthy! I'm still feeling pretty ecstatic about that. March was a little rough....for the both of us....but especially for Mr. Brown. I think a few virus strains....and bacteria strains got together and decided to rage a full war on him smack during the middle of his mid-terms....

However, through it all....he was quite the champ. I don't think he even complained. And tackled each mid-term. Take that sickness.

The past week has been perfect. David had spring break, so we decided to take a trip to the great state of Colorado! Before kicking off our trip, one of the nicest couples in our ward gave us their tickets to go see Shrek the Musical. Talk about incredible! We both loved it....the set, costumes, acting, music....it was all amazing. Times twenty.

Then we got to spend the weekend with my sister and her family. The long drive was worth it, it was so good to see them! After countless coloring pages, Mariokart, and watching some Ninja Turtles, David instantly won over the hearts of my nieces and nephew...(don't worry....I'm still holding the title for favorite aunt!)

Our adventure didn't end there! We are lucky to live semi close to family, and were able to spend Easter with them. My eyes were opened to true, competitive Easter basket hiding. David and Christian have quite the battle going for Master Easter Basket Hider. It was pretty funny to watch. I loved being able to spend the weekend with them.

Most of all right now, I am just feeling so grateful. Grateful to have good health, a new month, wonderful family, and grass green enough to wiggle your toes in. (It's currently like summer here in the land of Vegas). Not to mention that conference is this weekend!

In an effort to keep my rambles short....here are a handful of pictures!
After the play!
This picture doesn't even do it justice, but that indeed is a life-size dragon! 

The drive.....after 5 and 1/2 hours....we needed to take a break.

The scenery was amazing! But alas, you get to see our faces instead.

Saying good-bye... I loved seeing them!

They've grown so much! My little mini me turns 3 today!

Rusty taking us out for a ride...We went from the 80's in Vegas, to snowing in Colorado 

Back home! How did we celebrate saying goodbye to March? Eating ice cream of course! Before dinner. We're quite the rebels. 


  1. AHHHH NOT BEFORE DINNER!!! :) I love you guys and I'm sorry David was sick for so long!!!!
    When are you coming to Cali??

  2. I know....what were we thinking! I hope we get to come visit you soon!!! I think sometime in the summer for sure!

  3. We loved having you guys here, sorry about frigid temps, maybe you should visit Heather in the winter and us in the summer :)! That way you enjoy warm temps while we freeze and come cool off from the 200's to the 80's in the summer! WIN WIN :)! An SURPRISE you end with eating ice cream ya'll need to mixed up, Eat a ice cream sandwich, or maybe frozen yogurt, take a step on the wild side and eat a otter pop! ;)Love you!


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