It's Father's Day.
David and I are still trying to wrap our minds around being parents!
In seeing David with our sweet little Adalyn....I see how incredibly blessed I am to have him. Seeing the way he loves our daughter is absolutely beautiful.
I read a saying recently...
"A daughter needs a dad.....because without him, she would have less of the life she deserves."
I couldn't put it into better words. Without David, Adalyn wouldn't completely have all the love she deserves.....all the hugs, songs, cuddles.....and all the in between. Being a father is so much more than merely a presence.. It is a continual action.
It is a need.
Not just by Adalyn.....but by me too.
As much as we have absolutely loved being has been hard in many ways. I have so many days where I feel so completely inadequate to be Adalyn's mom. Of feeling so inadequate and unprepared to face the future.
I have had so many moments of jealousy in ways. Longing for the ability to simply just walk into the next room while holding Adalyn and not having it be a huge packing ordeal. I have moments of we are up in the wee hours of the morning...using the suction machine on her because she has gotten too mucusy....afraid and I will do it wrong and make her bleed or gag. Or the fear that comes with her seizures...of watching her stop breathing, her color change...feeling so helpless in waiting for her to come back out of it.
We are still afraid of leaving her for very long.....even if it just means going upstairs without her. I am afraid of her having yet another seizure...and not being there...only to hear the oxygen monitor go off...and feeling my heart sink. I am scared at times in watching her as she is more alert...wondering how things are going to be developmentally for her. Wondering about the time we have with her.
It is in these panicked moments that mind my goes back to the week of having both David and Adalyn in the hospital....the fear of losing either one of them bubbles right back up to the surface and my dam of emotions breaks.
It is then I need David too. His love. The comfort and strength he gives me. In wrapping his arms around me and reminding me that I am enough. That we will get through this together. That it will get easier to bear in time.
Being a father is the biggest commitment. It is life-long. It is demanding. It is beautiful. It requires so much sacrifice....
It is essential.
Last night..... as I tried in vain to rock Adalyn to sleep....Feeling exhausted.....Feeling not good enough to be a mom.....I prayed in defeat....Asking my Heavenly Father how he couldn't see how much I was struggling. Asking him to please help me in some way.....just to see His will. I needed something. Comfort. Peace.....Something to get me through the hard hours.
I realized then how much I have truly have needed Him too.
Before....I have at times thought of God as someone who loves us so much....who has done so much for us....I had faith in His plans.....It all seemed great..
Adalyn's first "selfie"
But I failed to fully grasp of His importance in my life. I guess I never truly understood how much I needed Him. I needed Him to pull me through the moments when I felt at the thread end of my rope. I needed Him to give me courage. I needed Him to show me hope when I couldn't see it. I needed Him to help me feel like I was enough to face this.
The ultimate father.
I am so blessed, my have so much love in my life. There truly has been so much good in it...even with the hard.
David is doing and feeling so much better. Adalyn is growing and growing, she is over 10 pounds now! She is so loving. The moments of her staring right at quiet wonder melt my heart. We are blessed to be able to stay in the basement apartment of my have them so close. I cannot even being to describe how thankful we are for their love and support each day. Adalyn has been put on another seizure medicine and we are holding to hope that it will begin to control her seizures.
This week we are headed back to Northern Utah for a few of Adalyn's follow up appointments.
Again to all of you Dads out there.....I hope you know how much of an impact you have. All the good you do. And the way you change lives for the better. You are not just wanted. Your love is needed in every moment.