January 16, 2012

Cold Hands...Warm Heart

That's what she would tell me every time I'd stop in for a visit. She'd hold my hands until she thought they were sufficiently warmed up. She was an amazing woman...and I'll forever be grateful for the short while that I knew her.

But the end is just the beginning...

So here's to you Jerry.

To all that you were, and are. To all that you did...and will be doing.

Thanks for taking time to share with me your smiles, love and perspective on life. Because you're 100% right...

When it all comes down to it....what matters most is your beliefs, your family and the love you have. And the fact that lives are changed with that simple act of loving.

January 1, 2012

Hello 2012!


You were a pretty good year.

I got a new niece. Traveled to the Dominican. Fell in love with the people there, (and Skim Ice). Went snorkeling and scuba diving. Rode on a motorcycle. Made a little over 7,000 beds (literally, you better believe it). Moved into a house with 9 amazing girls. Started my second year of college. Learned it's okay to open up easier to people, sometimes it's good to take a risk. Convinced my nieces and nephew that I'm magic. Learned how cool your kidneys really are. Met so many new, great friends, including little old friends. Realized how blessed I truly am, through the good and bad..and that no matter your past, you can become whoever you want to be.


I'm pretty excited for you.

I'm excited for my New Years Resolutions. To see what crazy adventures you throw my way. To face everything with more hope, laughter, and love. To see how I'll grow in different ways throughout this year. To overcome new challenges. And mostly, to enjoy the ride of it all.

It's a New Beginning. A new start to become even better.

You never know how much can change in a short 12 months...

So here's to you 2012...

Bring it on. :)