November 4, 2013

All Hallows Eve.

November! Hip hip hooray! 

I love November. 

I also loved October. 

Surprisingly, I even loved Halloween! 

(Gasp!) That may come as a shocker. Usually Halloween isn't my favorite. I mean, I love seeing little cute kids looking adorable in little costumes, I love that it means fall is here, and of course, pumpkins! However, I don't love scary things. Like spiders. And webs. And scary zombies. And men running around with chain saws. 

But this year, Halloween was pretty great! Maybe that's just because David and I think we're pretty fun people. Or because it ended up being a week of Halloween-ish events. 

We even dressed up. 

I thought we had a pretty good resemblance!

We started off our Halloween celebration by going to our ward Trunk or Treat. David made some chili for it. I voted it as my favorite. Not just because I'm biased....but because my taste buds fear spicy.....and every other chili was rocking the spicy. (A shout out to all you spicy lovers....I wish I could be as strong!)

Look at that pumpkin! Pure skill we have. Ok, so maybe you can't really tell what it is in the daylight....

But in the dark it is much better! time for confession..... we used a stencil. Cheaters...I know.

Now, for the actual day of Halloween, we ended up staying at home.....eating a Halloween themed dinner. I even built a fort in resemblance of a cave. Sadly the fort isn't pictured. Though I'm a firm believer that expert fort builder should be allowed and applauded on a resume....

Last picture before his beard growing begins. Sigh. I will miss you clean shaven and kissable face! 
Now dear....if you read this....I promise I will still love your bearded face too!

Our menu included monster eyes, pumpkin, some mummies and some tombstone no bakes. 

 We tried listening to Halloween music.....but anything other than monster mash and thriller was too scary for my taste. Yep. I'll admit. I'm a big wimp. Maybe it's because I'm too hooked on Christmas music and it's non-zombie lyrics.

So long October! You were good to us. 

October 24, 2013

Dear David...

You make my day. Pretty much every day.

Even the moments that you don't even realize.

Like yesterday.....when you were brave enough to eat a bite of the truffles that I accidentally made with unsweetened chocolate. Let's be honest....even the trash can didn't want to eat those.

Or like this morning when dropping you off at school. You weren't embarrassed that some of your classmates were right there and my hair sort of looked like a frizzy version of Medusa....minus the snakes. You still gave me a smooch, got out of the car and headed off to class like the good little student you are.

And how you bring me up a cup of water before we go to bed...because you know how I can't fall asleep without water next to the bed. (Odd....maybe I'm subconsciously paranoid of dehydration).

The way you are so trained to get up right at your alarm. That amazes me every day. I'm a full supporter of the invention of the snooze button.

You've laughed at my jokes. I've had some good ones this week!

Or how you are in such a habit of opening my car door, that you accidentally opened it for one of the other guys in our ward when you went visiting people in the ward?

Because you let me ramble on and on when I'm really tired and not making any sense.....Or even make me brush my teeth when I'm half asleep. My teeth love you for helping with their cleanliness.

Or how about the fact that you can never say no to helping someone out? I especially love that one. Even if that means you get up extra early on Saturday to help clean the church.

And the past I've had moments of feeling like a little emotional? You always know how to make me feel better.

Oh.....and my favorite.....watching your face as you eat something really yummy. You get the cheesy, no teeth, grin while nodding your head up and down.

You are the best. I don't know what I'd do with out you.

I love you more than anything since ever. Over the moon. To infinity and beyond.

October 22, 2013

Ohhh fall....

This weather makes me feel like I could prance happily around throwing colored leaves into the air shouting praises that the heat has finally left!

But don't worry. I refrain.Only because there is a short supply of colored leaves... Surprisingly enough....the desert here doesn't have too much of a change in color. It is still wonderful though!

Mr. Brown and I quite love this weather.....sometimes....and right now it still is only sometimes....I even wear a jacket. (Gasp! I know!)

Even though October seems to be flying by fast then I can think to blink (did you catch that really great rhyme)....we've still be able to do some fun things!

We took a short trip to Boulder City.... I love that little (kind of big) town!

We ate at this gem of a place

And because we are rather amusing people......

We took lots of photos while waiting for our food! How could you resist faces like these?

I know what you're thinking.....why do people always take pictures of their food!? Well. Simply because of those adorable mason jars. 

Next on our October agenda, David got to baptize one of the little girls in our primary!

Have I mentioned how much we love our ward?

We were released from our calling as primary leaders.....and then called to be ward missionaries. Now we get to hang out with lovely ladies like this throughout the week! I write about this more in another post.

Now...for those of you who haven't started counting yet.....only 63 days until Christmas! Which of course means....I've already been busting out the Christmas music this month. David trying unsuccessfully to avoid my holiday music outburst (he thinks successfully....sorry dear if you end up reading're just not too great at being a grinch!) 

Happy fall adventures! 

October 8, 2013


I know it's been about a month, but I felt like 13 miles is story worthy.

I'm not a huge distance runner. I'm usually perfectly content with a 5K.

However, one of my new year resolutions was to run a half marathon. I had to prove to myself that I could do it.. So this past summer..I became friends with the treadmill, some new running shoes, and sweat. (Vegas summers are not sport friendly).

I hired a trainer.

Ok ok....that was a lie. David won the duty of being my trainer and support.....either listening to me whine about blisters, giving me tips on what to to better and even rubbing my feet. (That's true love!)

Game day. I was scared and excited out of my mind. Did I mention I had left my running shoes in Las Vegas? Yes. That meant I was wearing brand new shoes. Ouch!

This may seem silly to some to associate running with an emotional experience, but this time, it was. 13 Miles seemed like a giant mountain to me. Almost insurmountable.

In the beginning, things were great! Half the race flew by before I even realize it. Then... I felt as if a ran into a big fat metal wall going full force. It became hard. My legs felt like they were going fall off. My arms were sore. I was exhausted. However, each time I felt like stopping, my new friend kept me from it. (Probably because I wouldn't start again).

By the 12th mile.....I was convinced I wouldn't make it. I felt like there were 13 more miles in that last mile! As much as I wanted to, I didn't quit! I did it. In that last .1 mile, hearing all of these wonderful people cheering....made me feel like I could do anything! Not to mention seeing my family. I felt so loved!

In that time, I realized I can do hard things. Even if that means running 13 more miles. Of course there are going to be plenty of hard things to overcome in this life. At times, those things may seem insurmountable or impossible. There will be multiple times when giving up seems much better. But in the end, it's love and a whole lot of prayer that pulls you through.

I'm blessed to have amazing friend! A shout out to my new friend Catherine for being such a support! Especially those last few miles!

(Ignore the socks..) I couldn't have done it without him! 

They even gave me hugs when I was sweaty. What an amazing family I have!

I'm amazed by these girls! (Note...this was also Jordan's first trip to Utah!!)

Now it is pretty much fall here in good old Nevada....

And I couldn't be happier. 

Time for Christmas songs...cookies....pumpkins...fudge....cinnamon rolls...

September 11, 2013

Living in a Whirlwind!

The past few weeks have been such a blur! I'm beginning to think I know what Dorothy in OZ felt like when she got picked up by the tornado...

David and I are back at the old plow.....which is small town code for....we're both back to work and school. Even me! Back in school! maybe it's just online...and my quite possibly even my "first day of school outfit" was my pj's.. But I am still excited about it.

These days have consisted of work, running...and then "school." Only to come back home and feel ready for bed at 8:30. What can I say.....I'm a real party animal. Did I mention I'm running my first half marathon in two days??  Yes.....that would be 13.1 miles of pure....hmmm...well I'm not exactly sure yet. I don't think bliss or happiness would be the words to use there. I am rather excited to prove to myself that I can do it. Even if I do cross the finish line needing a hip and knee replacement. Good thing I married a physical therapist! He has been doing triple time as student, therapist and trainer for me.

On a different note..with all the rain we have been getting lately.... I can't help but miss our California adventure to see Heather and Mckay a few weeks ago! Even though it was a short trip....we had a blast

Trust me. After these'll wish you had been there too!

You haven't had a real day at the beach until someone gets covered in sand.

I think this turned out to be a sand alligator protecting the castle!

I love this! I would run too....Seaweed..yikes! I'm convinced seaweed are simply miniature minions of the Lochness Monster in disguise. Why else would one get so entangled in it?

Oh how I loved the beach! Especially with these two! 

He's my favorite! Also...note the pier in the background...and the Ferris wheel. A  shout out to Heather for talking us into riding it! 

We absolutely loved all of our end of summer vacations....even if it seemed we were here, there and everywhere. We got to see just about every member of both our families!

Well. I think I have succeeded in prolonging my packing long enough. Cedar Half? Bring it on.

Until next time!

August 18, 2013

Jam Packed.


I feel like David and I have done so many things the past week and a half! With everything we've been feels great today to be a little lazy on a Sunday afternoon..

Remember how much we love Utah? Well....we went and visited my family last weekend! It was great....not to mention much cooler. Literally. As in....about a high of 88 degrees. Talk about bliss! the was down to the low 60's! Slight change from the furnace of Vegas...

After the long drive....we ended up in my hometown. For's sort of like driving off the edge of the planet!

My favorite and toughest little red head!

Being the good example of an aunt that I am.....I taught them how to play the spitting game off the bridge!

We sure have missed these two!

Little Miss E!

Courtney's facial expressions kill me....though this was well deserved....note the dead deer!

Future Cheerleader. Just ask. 

Did I mention that the weather was amazing? Not to mention a bazillion stars. We had to sleep outside! So of course I talked my brothers and the kids into it as well..

We loved vising! We got to see my mom and brothers, my grandparents, aunt, uncles, my home ward....and a couple dear friends! We also got our own little guitar show from Uncle Howard. I am still surprised at how many people we saw in a three day period. However....our adventures didn't end there! On the way home....we got to stop and stay with our family in St. George!

We went and visited the ducks! 

I love this photo! (way to be for taking in David!) It reminds me of something out of a Jane Austen movie. Maybe it's the hat. 

Sadly, we didn't get to spend too much time in St. George. But lucky for us, we got a visit from Aimee and Eric! Yet another perk of being married....having more adorable nephews!

I think everyone was a fan of the pool!

Even though sometimes it seems like short visits are never long enough...I am still so happy we were able to make the trip! With no car problems might I add. Now that alone is a miracle in itself. to fully enjoy being lazy!

August 4, 2013

Answered Prayers and Car Graveyards....

Have I ever mentioned that Mr. Brown and I have really great luck with cars? (Insert sarcasm)..If we ever have a problem with never is simply a "minor" fix. It always ends up being a rather complicated adventure!

This week was no different...

As David was on his merry way to work....he blew a tire....on the freeway. No big deal right? Simply just go get a new tire...right? So we thought.....

The first place we went to said they could not put a new tire on because our rim was bent. (Sigh....of course that would be our luck!) So we were sent to find a rim at a place called Pic-a-Part. As it turns out.....Pic-a-part was actually a junkyard. A place where David and I were about the only people speaking much english...

Did I mention we also had to sign a waver upon walking in saying if we were somehow injured we wouldn't sue? Great first impressions.

In my was a car graveyard out of a scary movie. I half expected some of them to suddenly transform into giant fighting robots.... (Overactive imagination...remember?)

In the middle of our search, I said a prayer. I prayed that somehow.....we would find a way to fix the get the right rim...and to be able to fix it without having to fork out a lot of money and our left kidney..

Soon after, we thought we had found a rim! Unfortunately......but actually fortunately....we ran into a man after heading to purchase our new-found rim. His first words to us were, "You guys look like members!" Yes, yes we are!! (Here is where I thought....' prayer was already answered! This man is going to help us!')

I don't really have words for this one...

After a great little conversation with this man, he took a look at our car....only to tell us not to buy that rim. He left happily off, shouting to his wife that he had just met some members!

However for us, it was back to square one.....after more junkyard searching, we headed home holding together our dirt covered oily hands feeling a little bummed and slightly flustered.

How does this even happen?!

Don't worry, here comes the good part of the story! The next morning, we received some of the best advice to go to Discount Tire here in Henderson. Right after walking in, a man started helping us right away. He took a look at our rim and said, "What? You guys don't need a new rim at all!"

They set us up with a new tire, great service, and free water...and sent us happily on our way.

Braving the junkyard! Yet another reason I love sure love him.

Sometimes, as David helped to point out, as much as we want.....our prayers aren't answered in the way that we think they should be....only because there is an answer that is much better for us. We would have bought a rim that we didn't need one pinch. But because of a stranger that stopped us, and then we received perfect advice to head to a different shop.....our prayers were answered! And no money was spent on a rim!

July 28, 2013


Well, what a week!

It's official. David and I have moved out of our little apartment.... As excited as we were to move and start a new was sort of sad to leave.

After all, it was our first home together! Sure, there was always an underlying musty smell....and at times the pool looked rather questionable...but was the perfect beginning for us. I will forever be grateful for the people we met our lovely neighbor (the ultimate neighboorhood watch master), walls filled with our pictures, and  the handful of kids who thought we were the coolest ever.

So now we are new "house-sitters." Not in the literal since of course. Maybe they should change that to the watchers. Whichever way it is put, we are happy! It is a little different going from one bedroom to five! I feel like at times....David just disappears. Last night I tried finding him using Marco-Polo.

David dismantling the TV that no one wanted (including us...and Goodwill). Even doing so in a pink shirt. Talk about manly!

So long little apartment! You were great to us!

Through it all.....I am so grateful to have David with me through everything. Even with the change of homes, he is always my constant. (Cheesy? Maybe. But you should already know I'm all about the cheese.) Not to mention.....a whole new adventure! 

I may sound like a broken record.....but we have been so blessed here in Vegas! The people we have met have impacted our lives so much. Here's to our new home! 

July 21, 2013

Out on the Town...

I'm lucky to be married to a man with "connections" a result....we were able to go to the Donny and Marie Osborn show last night! For no pennies out of our pocket I might add. should have just been called the Marie show last night.....Donny is currently out for a few weeks due to a torn gluteus maximus. Or as some may say....a torn bottom.

We had an amazing time! And even though we spent half an hour afterwards looking for our car....and then got caught in the monsoon rains of Vegas, it was still a great night!

Not the greatest picture...but the Donny and Marie sign is in the background!

For this song.....Her nephew David Osborn helped out....since Donny rather was absent. I love it!

Have I mentioned lately how blessed we both feel? Especially on nights like these!

July 17, 2013

God Bless America.

You know those days when you just wake up feeling like maybe you could just start dancing around while belting the Star Spangled Banner? Ok...ok...maybe that's a slight exaggeration.... However, the past few weeks I have felt especially blessed!

Life these days varies from a little hotter.....roasting.....and just about well done....

Yet....I very much love our lives as of late. David has been doing his clinical for the past few weeks..(which essentially means he is paying to work...) but it has been great!! And he's loving it! Only about a year an a half until you can officially call him Dr. Brown.

With both of us working.....we feel like such "grown-ups!" However, we still find time to do some pretty fun things....

Our Fourth of July!! Do you notice our red and blue? Or the stars on David's shirt? We take the 4th of July seriously over here! 

 We discovered the beautiful Sunset park! The first time...we were unprepared....and didn't bring 

 The second time.....they loved us! Almost to the point of hostility...... 

You can even watch them in action!!

 What a dashing man I dare say! David of course....not the duck. Though they definitely attack....I mean...come in flocks. 

Sometimes we also stumble across museums!

Ice cream dates! One of my favorite places! Did you read that? Finally.....proof that ice cream truly does build healthy bodies!

Only two more weeks until we move houses!! And only three more months until cooler weather!! I don't know which I'm more excited for....

Until next time!!

July 3, 2013

New Career Path....

I'm telling you.....I don't think products come much better than this.....

How could you resist this? Who needs to be a crazy cat lady.... I can just be the old lady with hundreds of fake birds that I pretend are real whilst I sit on a chair an knit. I even comes with it's own perch!

Alright, but seriously....this man is probably making millions off a fake bird idea. Is there some sort of irony here? Time to get in the business of "As Seen On TV" ads!

All I need to think of something absurd....that no one really needs.....and announce it in a really cool voice....

Here is my first attempt:

"The tooth brush. So original. So helpful. Everyone loves the clean, fresh feeling of brushing their teeth. However, do you find your arms and fingers cramping from the prolonged effort of holding your toothbrush? Are your hands feeling weighed down from the burden of repeating the same motion for an entire two minutes? Well then, the Tooth-hold is right for you!

The Tooth-hold takes the hassle out of brushing. It allows your hands freedom while brushing, unrestricted from those bothersome toothbrushes. Simply place the Tooth-hold on a wall of your choice at about the level of your mouth. Insert your toothbrush. Place your teeth on the bristles of your toothbrush and move your head side to side repeatedly.

Amazing!! The Tooth-hold keeps your toothbrush locked into place while you are moving your head. This leaves your hands plenty of time to do other things....Like....Knit a sweater! Or water your plant! Or even to play cards with your friends.

The Tooth-hold comes in especially hand for the elderly who may suffer from severe muscle cramp syndrome...leaving them unable to hold their toothbrush. Or toddlers who find themselves with dirty, grimy hands. It is even perfect for a typical adults busy schedule. You can continue to e-mail or finish your papers all while brushing your teeth!

 Get yours today for the low price of $19.95! But wait....order in the next 23 minutes and get yours for the low price of $14.95!!!"

Definitely on my way to becoming a millionaire.

June 30, 2013

My sister.

We may be opposites in some things....I tend to be a quite the pushover. Amber...well, she has more courage than anyone I know, even though she may not see it. And....if you think I'm funny (which...of course I'm practically a comedian).....she can have me dying on the floor laughing in a matter of seconds. I'm talking record breaking. 

Not to mention, if you have ever been around Amber, you know she has a knack for thinking up some of the most bizarre words that you can't help but love. And food combinations? I can't even get started with that one. I'll just leave that at the tamales and cheese wiz.

She's eccentric. An amazing cook. Beautiful. Selfless. An incredible mom. And apologizes way too much. She gives everything for her family. She can make my cheeks go red in the flash of a second. She is my main source for what's going on in the world. Above all though...she's my best friend, and she's always helped me to feel like I could conquer the world, no matter what I was facing. 

Happy Birthday my dear! When most people would have tried to ditch their un-cool little sister....thanks for keeping me in tow. And even though we currently have a gap of 573 miles....thanks for always being there for me. I have no doubt that Heavenly Father knew how much I was going to need you! 

Here is to the big 2-4! 

When I grow up, I hope to be a little more like you!

I just had to include this one! I have no doubts they're just as grateful for you!