August 4, 2013

Answered Prayers and Car Graveyards....

Have I ever mentioned that Mr. Brown and I have really great luck with cars? (Insert sarcasm)..If we ever have a problem with never is simply a "minor" fix. It always ends up being a rather complicated adventure!

This week was no different...

As David was on his merry way to work....he blew a tire....on the freeway. No big deal right? Simply just go get a new tire...right? So we thought.....

The first place we went to said they could not put a new tire on because our rim was bent. (Sigh....of course that would be our luck!) So we were sent to find a rim at a place called Pic-a-Part. As it turns out.....Pic-a-part was actually a junkyard. A place where David and I were about the only people speaking much english...

Did I mention we also had to sign a waver upon walking in saying if we were somehow injured we wouldn't sue? Great first impressions.

In my was a car graveyard out of a scary movie. I half expected some of them to suddenly transform into giant fighting robots.... (Overactive imagination...remember?)

In the middle of our search, I said a prayer. I prayed that somehow.....we would find a way to fix the get the right rim...and to be able to fix it without having to fork out a lot of money and our left kidney..

Soon after, we thought we had found a rim! Unfortunately......but actually fortunately....we ran into a man after heading to purchase our new-found rim. His first words to us were, "You guys look like members!" Yes, yes we are!! (Here is where I thought....' prayer was already answered! This man is going to help us!')

I don't really have words for this one...

After a great little conversation with this man, he took a look at our car....only to tell us not to buy that rim. He left happily off, shouting to his wife that he had just met some members!

However for us, it was back to square one.....after more junkyard searching, we headed home holding together our dirt covered oily hands feeling a little bummed and slightly flustered.

How does this even happen?!

Don't worry, here comes the good part of the story! The next morning, we received some of the best advice to go to Discount Tire here in Henderson. Right after walking in, a man started helping us right away. He took a look at our rim and said, "What? You guys don't need a new rim at all!"

They set us up with a new tire, great service, and free water...and sent us happily on our way.

Braving the junkyard! Yet another reason I love sure love him.

Sometimes, as David helped to point out, as much as we want.....our prayers aren't answered in the way that we think they should be....only because there is an answer that is much better for us. We would have bought a rim that we didn't need one pinch. But because of a stranger that stopped us, and then we received perfect advice to head to a different shop.....our prayers were answered! And no money was spent on a rim!


  1. HAHA! I love it! The pictures are great! Actually a little worse than I visualized! NOTE to self stay AWAY from locations where wavers need to be signed and English is not the language of choice!!

  2. Love the blog Amanda, I just added you to my reading list! Also, young married couples are meant to have bad luck with cars, it builds character. Marilyn and I have been married a little over 4 years and we are on our fifth car.

  3. Zach! I'm so glad you stumbled across my blog!! Also....glad to know we're not the only ones with terrible car luck! Wow...five cars!! Here's to future car problems! :)


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