November 15, 2012

Danke. Gracias. Merci.

Not that I speak any of the above languages....but this morning....I have felt like bursting with heaps of "thank yous. You know the feeling? Sort of similar to Christmas cheer, but Thanksgiving style. (I just envisioned people going about handing out pies dressed as a turkey....that's not what I was going's the overactive imagination...)

But I do have so incredibly much to be thankful for, especially this year. If asked, I don't think I could simply pinpoint just one thing. That would be like asking Willy Wonka what his favorite candy is. I have been blessed with the people in my life, my family, friends, past room mates, and even strangers. I have been on the receiving end of so much love, kindness and happiness. I have got to begin such new, exciting adventures. I have found even greater love through my family, and of course, have even been lucky enough to gain a whole new family as well.

And that's just skimming the surface. chocolate... boxes of soft kleenex.... I could go on and on. (Yet. My goal was to keep this short...)

The main point is, I'm so grateful for all that I have in my life. For all the things I have be able to learn, be a part of and experience. Of course it's not always perfect. My shoes come untied, I return library books back late, and occasionally, the car leaks oil. Plans fall through, roads become snowy...and some days can just simply be frustrating.

Yet, I think that's the great part of it all. As they say, "Life doesn't have to be perfect to be wonderful." Even when the road gets a little bumpy, or possibly filled with potholes....there can still be so much good through it all.

For the days when you're "Thankful List" is running a little short.... just look around.. Find something.

To everyone else....Thank you for being such a great part of my life! Watch the video. I love it. Sometimes, it's the simple things we forget that are the best!

 Also. One month from today.

30 days if you're counting....

But who does that... (Oh wait. I do..)

November 7, 2012


Some people can effortlessly play Stravinsky's 3 movements on the piano....upside down....with their eyes closed. Others can paint masterpieces that would put Picasso in the dark. Some can create food that makes you want to keep eating for days....and days. Others can hack down giant trees, simultaneously run three computers, run marathons, be crafty, design, draw.... or even jump rope (to name a few).

Me....well...I'm also rather talented. I have perfected the art of loosing things. Now, before you shake your head in disbelief...let me explain. I loose things at least on a daily basis. Keys. Phone. Glasses. Drivers license. Shoe. Shoes.. Sometimes, this talent even increases, and I loose multiple things throughout a mere couple of hours. Each time resulting in a frantic search throughout the entire area.

You see....this talent goes beyond just merely misplacing things. I know I have a tendency to loose things. So I try to outsmart myself to overcome this "talent". Here is an example: Most people come home and set their keys in the same place every time. My thoughts? "Oh....I'm sure if I set my keys on top of the fridge behind the oatmeal...I can't forget...because it's too absurd." But you know what happens without fail? I forget. And who even thinks to check behind the oatmeal..or in baskets..or under blankets.. when they're frantically searching for their keys!

I even tend to misplace random things. Here is a running total of my "lost items" the past week: The garage door opener, the can opener, stamps, floss, my purple sock, and last....but certainly not favorite pair of pants. may does that even happen! Well let me assure you ladies and gents, it's because I'm talented.

Last Thanksgiving...I almost didn't go home because I had lost my keys so well..

However, I'm grateful for such a talent. (I may regret saying that in the next five minutes..) No matter how frequently I loose things....after frantic searches, and apologetic prayers for loosing something yet again...and asking for help to find it.....I always somehow stumble across whatever I'm looking for. Sometimes.....It only takes minutes. And takes a couple months. Either way, the lost is again found.

So ultimately...I'm thankful for an absurd talent...and many simple answered prayers.

And also for this boy. Who still loves me through my faults, freckles, and uncanny knack for loosing things.

37 days folks.

On a final case you were worried.. My pants were found. Folded in the bottom of the blanket bin. The can opener and floss however...are still taking an extended vacation.