September 7, 2014

A Change of Season

I sit here this Sunday....reflecting on the past few months.

At the beginning of this year, David and I knew that we were going to experience a lot of change as the months flew by. At first thought, we felt it was going to be quite the adventure (and is sure has!).

Though, change can be a scary thing. It can cause fear of the unknown. Cause added stress. Or even give a string of tension headaches. At the same time, it can also be beautiful. Exciting. And even thrilling.

I think we have experienced each of those emotions the past few months. Some moments....we mange to feel of those emotions at once!

Most of all though.....this change has taught me an important lesson. I think if David and I had a theme for this year it would be:

"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths." Proverbs 3:5-6

He knows our hearts. He knows our fears. He knows of the silly, sometimes absurd things that make us feel inadequate. Even more.....He knows where we're going and what we need most.

He has a plan that is greater for us than what we can see for ourselves. It is up to us to put our trust in Him.

So no matter what life throws our way...whether it is a change of scenery, a change of state....or a change of job.....

This change becomes easier...and more comforting in knowing who is directing our path. 

With that are some photos from our time here in Provo! We have absolutely loved being here! Though in a mere 25 days...we will head to Missouri!

Also....Only 108 days til Christmas!! Practically time to begin listening to Christmas music..


The best snow cones I have ever eaten. If photos could capture would agree!

Hyram came home!! One of the definite summer highlights!

Though...I felt this photo did more to capture the moment. 

A temple day with this dashing couple! brothers became giants. They must have ate extra broccoli...