April 23, 2012

Miles all begin with...

I tend to be a planner...but a lot of the the time, looking at the big picture of things or figuring out the future....sort of scares me a little bit...and.. makes me slightly want to hide under my blankets eating ice cream instead.

But I've realized...I don't have to have it all figured out right now. That's the point. After all, even if I did manage to figure everything out and have a plan...knowing myself it would all change again in a week.

Sometimes...it's just about taking things "one step at a time"

Because you never know.....One step can make a huge difference. 

In the mean time, amid the craziness of finals week...and moving...I'm thankful for the [simple] joys that never cease to make my day.... Things like:

-pull through parking spots
-finding surprising little notes from good friends
-snoozing my alarm for an extra 10 minutes (ok ok...maybe half an hour..)
-warm weather! 
-great picnics
-green grass, flowers, and the smell of lilac bushes
-hugs...the good long ones
-catching up with my sister....and talking to my nieces and nephew.. (cutest kids ever!)
-walks (or running in a 5k!)
-accidentally reading a book instead of doing all my homework..
-finding a new favorite song...and listening to it a mazillion times
-water being back in all the ditches!
-walking home barefoot

So if finals week ends up being the death of me....at least I'll make it an enjoyable death. And as to everything else...I'm sure I'll figure it out at some point...