July 22, 2012

The Little Brother...

Turned the big 15 this weekend!

He's now a cool teenage boy....filling his vocabulary with profound words like "Dude," "Totally sick," "Bro," or my favorite....the combination of all three. "Dude, Manda...I was with my bros, and it was totally sick....."

He now is often followed by a band of girls. He has developed a passion obsession for learning all about history and wars. And like every other teenage boy.....he thinks he is the coolest kid on the block.

But for me, I still see him as the little boy who would sneak into my room after his bedtime and fall asleep in my bed. I think of the boy who would dance around the kitchen with me while making cookies and would often (attempt) to paint my finger nails.

Look at that face? You can see his love for me overflowing!

Though he's now 15, to me he'll always be that sweet little boy who stuck it out through thick and thin. Even when he is being a slightly frustrating Captain Know-It-All, I'm still so proud of him and the person he is becoming.

And though he may be taller.....I can still beat him in arm wrestling and leg wars....

Even if I have to do so by cheating..

That's beside the point.

Happy Birthday Kaycee!

July 11, 2012

Part of the Adventure...

This summer has become something more then I could have imagined. In many ways, it's helped me to see my life through a new pair of glasses...(No pun intended.). I tend to like "The Known," as in, having a set plan for the things going on in my life I like being able to put everything out on a calendar and see what I'm doing...and plan on how to get from point A to point B. (Sounds a little silly to admit)...But I think by knowing I have a plan, I feel a little more safe.

Yet, as everyone already knows, you never get very far by playing things safe. I mean, I'm sure Mr. Armstrong never would have jumped around on the moon by simply playing safe. I think there is truth to the saying that some of the greatest things we do or experience in life are only accomplished by taking some sort of risk. By "playing safe" we tend to hold ourselves back, only doing the minimum to keep ourselves from disappointment or hurt.

The past while, I know I've been a little nervous not having a set plan for the next few months. I have known where I want to end up, but I didn't know about all of the space in between. To be honest, I was a little scared. When people would ask...I always felt like giving the overly dramatic response..."Ahhhh, I'm not sure! I don't know!" And then storm out. Like a 3 year old. Ridiculous I know....but imagining the looks I would get..was hilarious...(Overly active imagination taking over again...)

However, the past little while...I've began to realize that not having a plan has been exactly what I needed. That trying to decide everything at once...was like trying to eat everything on the table during Thanksgiving, including dessert. Which generally only results in the sick "What was I thinking" feeling.

Sometimes, things turn out the greatest when you least expect it to, in between the lines of planning and playing safe. You just have to be willing to take a risk or a chance on something more. Sure there is still a chance of making a mistake or getting scraped elbows, but sometimes, the end result is still worth it. After all...It's all part of the adventure. And, it just may turn out much better then your original plans.

As to figuring out and making decisions, I think I have made much better progress. I can't wait for whatever the future holds.

And, don't worry....If you ask what my plans are....I promise there will be no 3-year old temper tantrums.