February 16, 2013

A little bit of....

I've sort of been missing from the blogging world as of late. The past week....we finally put up pictures on our wall! As great as it was staring at empty frames with random families in them....I think I like ours much better.

I have loved getting used to using the word our. Coming home to our house. Cooking dinner in our kitchen.       Our lives are simple for the most part. However....I'm a girl of simplicity....which means....I absolutely love it.

Let me give you the inside scoop of our lives the past month:

David has started school again. Which means he spends lots of hours studying.. And studying....and.... getting distracted by youtube videos. As for me, David being in school also means I automatically move up to patient status. The past week has been special tests and joint mobilization. (Which I think is also code for....let's see if your arm can be pulled off or not...) What can I say. I'm a lucky girl.

My grandparents celebrated their 56th anniversary. How incredible is that! My family took them out to Joe's Crab Shack in Salt Lake.....but as for us....We have a Joe's Crab Shack around the corner! So...we went out pretending we were there with them. As good as it is, I have concluded that if I were dying of starvation...and only had a crab. I would probably die before I could get the meat out.

(Drumroll....) We were called to teach in the primary! We are now the highly esteemed teachers of the 5 year olds. I think it is officially my favorite calling. And it has only been a week.

We also had the chance to watch a musical at the Smith's Center. Which....is probably the fanciest place I have ever been in my life! After visiting with an older couple in our ward....they gave us tickets that they weren't going to use. The moment we stepped out of the car...we got a golf cart ride to the door. The whole building was incredible and so beautiful.. As David discovered...the bathrooms even had folded toilet paper. Why I think that's fancy...who knows.

(Right before the musical!)

The rest of our days have been filled with countless games of Nerts....walking to Smith's (we're lucky to live only a few blocks away)....eating ice cream from Baskin Robins....(which is also up the street. 99 cent Mondays may be the death of me)....watching movies at the discount theater ..and making a few trips back to the temple.

So. There you have it. A little bit of our lives. I couldn't be happier. Especially to have a husband like David. (I also like using that word). Everyone deserves to have a person in their life who still thinks they're beautiful when their hair looks similar to a tangled jungle.

On a final note...we also got some pictures from our wedding!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! So glad you blogged again. Loved seeing the update on yOUR lives (I know you like the word OUR so I tried to emphasize that, obviously). Too cute. You better keep me updated when I leave in 46 days, fyi.


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