December 21, 2014

The Inflatable Life....

Wow. Somehow three months flew by.....and I didn't write one pinch!

Our time in Missouri has already ended.....but as I sit here back in the lovely land of Utah....I feel like I should share about our short little adventure.

So.....for those of you who are lucky enough to stumble across my it goes!

The first month and a half of being in Missouri was a little rough for me. I was rather sick most of the time. Most days....I didn't even leave our apartment. David (the champion) would go off to work....then come home and take care of me. Our apartment flooded. one point...our oven caught fire. I began to question if we had made the right choice in choosing Lee's Summit for our rotation. In my mind I thought..."We willingly choose to live with nothing but an air mattress for 3 months....why was this a good idea?!" the Grinch would put heart grew a few sizes....

We met some amazing people....who took the time to get to know and befriend a quirky young couple.

We were invited to dinners, had game nights with newly made friends, and because of a trip to the temple, we were invited to a great Thanksgiving dinner with an amazing family.

David rocked it at the hospital there. He loved it....and they loved him.

Fall was beautiful. And the weather didn't turn too frigid until the day we left.

I was finally able to leave the house and not get completely lost.

We got to see church history sites, visit some famed Kansas City sites....and we even went to a hockey game!

After some didn't matter any more that all of our furniture was inflatable (literally). It didn't matter that our meals were eaten Chinese style on the floor. In fact.....some of those times became a few of my best memories. 

I wish I could adequately describe how grateful I am for the people we met. The changed our experience completely. They helped me to see what pure....selfless giving looked like.  I feel changed by their kindness. By their light.

Now...we are back in Utah with only 4 days until Christmas. We are close to family.  And sleeping in a real  bed.. Best. Thing. Ever.

Let's be real here....air mattresses are not the most comfortable thing in the world.


And on a bigger side note..

My sickness is not contagious. David and I are expecting a baby!

We think it's kind of a big deal. 

We hear it is the best kind of adventure. And we can't wait. 

This is David's "I'm pretending I love airplanes" face..

Legos. Lots and lots of Legos. 

Who knew hockey was so brutal!

Our second Thanksgiving! 

Since we lacked Christmas decorations.....we made some. How could anyone resist a man with such card making talents! 

Saint Luke's Hospital

Parenthood: Ready or we come!


  1. TTThis is so awesome! Love you Tons!

  2. I cant believe I didn't read this earlier. So awesome! I love that you guys embrace the poor and young marriage couple life style. Such great adventures :)

  3. How did I miss this post! Loved it! Wow, blow up furniture for months straight.... remember when those were in and pretty much blow up chair was on every Christmas list


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