September 3, 2012

"In Terms of Forever.."

The past few months, I've been thinking about a simple question that most of you will think is a little silly. I've been trying to figure out what makes people want to do hard things. I mean, granted...we all tend to be faced with trials and hard times whether we choose them or not...yet...

How do people do it....get through grueling school programs, handle loss, disappointment, hurt....or overcome challenges like surgeries, broken arms, family problems or even learning disabilities? And even more....what makes us, as people, want to go through them? 

I mean, many of the hard things we face are a result of our own choice. For example, a choice to pursue further education isn't exactly going to be like a nice day at the beach. Or choosing to move to a new place, buy a house or a car, travel, raise a family, learn a new instrument....

All of those things pose some level of challenge. There comes a  point with each....that one might have the sudden overwhelming desire to hide under the blankets for an extended period of time with a spoon and a bucket of ice cream...(Or maybe that's just me).

Can you see why I've had this on my mind for a while? I mean, I wasn't so blind as to not see the immediate answers...personal growth...becoming more, finding a greater purpose, furthering our talents... 

But I felt there was more. 

And lucky for me, I'm blessed to have so many incredible people in my life....people who were able to answer my question without even know it...simply by the way they live their lives. To top it off, the simple answer from a great friend...

"Sometimes, it's through the hard things that we feel our hearts and souls stretching the most.....but as a result....He allows us to feel that much greater happiness and joy."

The best part about that no matter what we are matter how hard our burdens may be, even if it may simply be in learning a talent....There is someone to help us carry that burden. To help us through those hard times whenever it is that we may face them. 

Even more that when we do face those hard things, we begin to see ourselves in terms of forever. And after all... that's part of the point of this life....right? So of course it's going to be hard...maybe at times, even a little scary. Yet, it never fails to be worth it, and in the end....those moments that once seemed so hard....will allow far greater moments of true happiness. 

This video....goes along perfectly. I've loved it so much that I may or may not have watched it 6 times...this morning. 

I know this is likely common knowledge for most people. I just thought I'd share my a portion of my thoughts...since I haven't been so great at the blogging business as of late. 

So for not have a fear of those things to come. To be prepared to enjoy the journey of it. A journey which I'm sure still includes days of blanket hiding and ice cream.

But that's okay....because I'm prepared....and will have an emergency spoon for those moments. 

Happy Monday! 

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