August 29, 2012

August 17, 2012...

Will be counted as one of my favorite moments to remember.

Most every girl grows up always hearing of countless love stories. Of knights in shining armor saving the girl from the fierce fire breathing dragon.They grow up with all sorts of fantasies of the kind of love that's supposed to sweep you off your feet...and make your heart beat ring in your ears. Fairy tales try to spread the magic...movies try to capture it....people try to find it.

As for me.....I wasn't sure if I believed in it. Sounds absurd to say coming from a girl who tends to be a hopeless romantic..I know. I saw so many people who seemed so captivated by that little thing called love. But I didn't connect myself with it.

Enter into the picture...David Brown. Right from the beginning, I thought he was pretty great, he was a little quirky, had a fantastic smile and made me laugh. However, also right from the beginning...I figured that it wouldn't go anywhere. After all, he was graduating that semester and I had a tendency to shy away from relationships.

Yet somewhere along the lines of handfuls of dates, almost killing him while hiking (though I'm trying to forget that part), his move to Vegas, skype dates, the amazing person he is and his loving turned into something more then I could ever imagine. That little thing called love? I fell right into it.

And you know what? It's even better then they try to tell you growing up.

So why does that make August 17th important? That just so happens to be the day that David pulled out the most beautiful ring I had ever seen and asked that one particular question. After getting over the surprise of it all, and not knowing whether to cry, squeal..... Of course I said yes.

Flash forward to December 15, 2012....and that shall be marked as the day that we get married. For time and all eternity. I can't wait. Because there is no one else that I would rather spend my forever with.

As one great institute teacher said last semester, "You're only half of who you are...half of your potential until you find who you will marry." Lucky for me, I couldn't have found a better half....That's not just because I'm biased...

So moral of the story....You never know what you'll find when you least expect it. Sometimes, (alright, most times)  it's not about the timing that you have planned for yourself....but the timing of Someone even greater. Just let yourself be open to it.

He didn't even have to save me from some fire breathing dragon....I'm beginning to that think that part of most fairy tales may be a little skewed when it comes to love....


  1. Adorable. I loved this love story from the very beginning :) I'm so happy for you, Amanda dear!

  2. That is so cute! You are a really good writer.

  3. AMANDA!
    Girl, you are adorable and I'm ever so happy for you! Plus, you have a way with words; I love your blogs! I miss seeing you and hope that you and David have a wonderful life ahead :)


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