May 29, 2016

When a Heart Breaks

I have spent so much time this past month reflecting.... Reflecting on each day of May last year. I knew this month would bring up a lot of emotions, but I wasn't prepared.

A sweet friend told me recently that during hard trials, or traumatic moments....we sort of go on auto pilot. It is a type of numbness that helps you get through the days you are facing.... A year later, my "numbness" from last May has worn off...

I shared a handful of blog posts last May...but there were many times I didn't have the heart to include everything...Times when I couldn't find the words to convey what my heart felt.. So, I'm going to go back to last year in this post. Back to many of the moments when I felt completely broken.. 

Just two short days after Adalyn was born, she had her a MRI..we wanted to believe so deeply that everything would look much more hopeful. Instead, we got the opposite. I remember three separate doctors walking us into a room..and feeling immediately scared. The look on each face spoke volumes about what was to come. Adalyn's brain was not compatible with case scenario...if she never were to develop seizures or other conditions...we could hope to have 3 years.

I wanted to throw up. I felt like I was hearing underwater...and not able to process what they were saying...

As they left us in the room to hold each other and cry....As broken as we felt, we made a resolve that we wouldn't believe in statistics... we would believe in Adalyn. We would take each day...and hope we all we had for a miracle.

That night, I was discharged from the hospital. We stayed at the Ronald McDonald house close to the hospital (a place that will forever hold my heart).

As time would have it...David was getting ready to graduate from Physical Therapy school. He was required to be down in Las Vegas to finish and present his research project. Every part of me hated that he had to go. We had no idea of what to expect....what was to come. Luckily, I was blessed to be surrounded by physical angels. My angel of a sister stayed with me each day David was gone. David's sweet sister Aimee visited frequently...and we had such loving friends.

We love Aunt Amber! 

We had thought we were most certainly at rock bottom. The only way to go would be up.... Or so we wanted to believe.

The first two weeks of her life....almost each day another doctor would come talk to me about what they thought Adalyn's life would look like...again going over life expectancy...scenarios..etc. Most of those visits I wanted to scream. No one should ever have those conversations about their sweet babies. I had had to hold Adalyn down countless times for different tests and procedures, and felt my heart break with each of her cries. Each day was such an emotional uphill.

Through it all, we held to Adalyn. She was the strong one. She continued to develop abilities that amazed us

David was able to come back on the weekends...he always is my comfort. In hindsight....I still kick myself for not realizing how sick he was too.... He had hardly eaten for almost two months. He didn't have an appetite. He would eat a few bites of food...and be full. He had pains in his stomach...he couldn't walk very far without being short of breath...and his color slowly turned more and more yellow.

At the time, we just told ourselves it was stress. If you could think of just about every possible major stress people face....we were facing it. I mean, not just were we facing bringing a new child into the world...she was medically fragile. David was graduating. We didn't really have a home. Or a job.

Needless to say, our eyes were blinded...and we just assumed he had ulcers. We couldn't have been more wrong. In fact...a week before we found out what was really going on with David I had said." have to stay healthy. There is no way I could handle you being in the hospital too."

As the end of May came, we had started feeling more hopeful. David was done with school. Adalyn was doing amazing at eating from the bottle....we hadn't seen any signs of seizures...We were even talking about getting ready to go home...we had almost ruled out Adalyn having to have surgery for a G-tube.
I love looking at pictures of her with her special bottle. She worked so hard! 

I felt such hope that we would go home and thrive....that the three of us could beat the odds we were up against..

However...all of my hopes came crashing down in a matter of days. Those days still haunt me....still have the ability to bring up all of my helpless insecurities.

Adalyn had a swallow study to make sure she was swallowing correctly as she would eat. We weren't even worried about her not passing it. But during the test, she showed signs of aspirating her food... Meaning some of her food would go into her lungs... The tech fed her so much at once that Adalyn threw up all over... She was so upset. I wanted to grab her and run away... Again we were left feeling heart broken...she loved eating from the bottle. It was hard to take that away from her. Hard to imagine sending our sweet little girl into surgery.... We left that test in tears....only to get hit by another metaphorical train.

Quite literally by the time we got back to the NICU with Adalyn, an EEG team was there waiting for us. We had seen signs of seizures for a couple days, an EEG would confirm if they really were.... We desperately wanted to hope it wasn't. Once more, we had to hold our sweet girl as she was hooked up to dozens of wires...

Within an hour....they confirmed she was indeed having seizures. I never knew of anything I would grow to hate more than those awful things...

That night, the pharmacist came to give Adalyn her first dose of seizure meds....Ironically...that morning I had joked with her about how we were her easiest patients because Adalyn wasn't on any medicines.... Once more I sat eating my words as she cried with us...and explained what they were going to give..

We left the hospital that night feeling like our legs had been knocked out from under us...We cried and cried for our beautiful, sweet girl...Those helpless feeling had hit us heavy that night.

The very next day....David thought he should go get his "ulcers" checked out....and I went up to be with Adalyn.

I got a call from David...his first words were..."You're never going to believe this.." I laughed. Thinking it must be something simple.

His next words were that he was heading to the emergency room. 

On his way to the ER....he was able to briefly stop to see me..... at the same time Adalyn's neurologist came to talk to me about what seizures meant for Adalyn.

I felt like my world was crumbling as I held her..watching David walk away.. Tearfully trying to listen to what her doctor said.. Trying not to let myself process David's news yet... Trying simply to remind myself to breathe.... As soon as her doctor left I quickly put Adalyn down, gave her a kiss...and went down to the ER.

I walked into David's room and felt my fears hit me like another train. Seeing him hooked up to everything made my heart sink... As it would turn out... David was in multiple organ failure... He had fluid backed up everywhere. His abdomen was full of fluid..and his lungs... He was in severe heart failure....his liver was failing....and his kidney's weren't in great shape...

By the time I got there...the Heart failure/transplant team had been notified. The first thing I could find to pipe out were.."Is he going to be okay?" Dr. Gloom....(how I like to refer to him...due to his bedside manner....) Said.."There is no way to know at this time. Look at him... He looks awful. Look at his color. Look at his legs... See...pitting edema...." Needless to say....he brought all my worst fears to the table.

The whole time... David was squeezing my hand trying to whisper... "I'm okay...really. I'm okay."

I felt like's not okay! You're not okay. This isn't okay.... How can anything be okay?! 

Still smiling...even in the hospital. That's David for you. 

A few minutes later...I found a bathroom....and sobbed. I couldn't even find the words to pray other than "Please......please help." My world was hanging in the balance. The two people I loved more than anything were fighting for their lives....and I could do nothing for them...

In a matter of a few days, David went from being a big 128 lbs. At that point, I felt like if someone had asked me where we lived....I would have honestly said the hospital...because that's where we were all staying...

The allowed David to come down to the NICU to visit Adalyn....I think each of our nurses and NICU team cried each time they saw David come down. We were quite the sight those days..

The next couple weeks....I would be carried by strength other than my own. Honestly...even a year later, I know it was not me that got myself through those days. Adalyn continued to teach me in those days about what courage was...  I still am at a loss to describe how it felt to send both my husband and my daughter into surgery a day apart. David, by a tender miracle, would make a full...and amazing recovery...(after losing almost 25 pounds of fluid)

Taken about a week after their surgeries. She loved naps with her Daddy!

Little did I know, even then...what would be in store for us as the months continued. Little could I be prepared for hardest good-bye we would ever have to say as the year came to an end.... 

I don't know if you've even made it this far in reading....I guess I needed to write all this down for myself... The thing is...those moments last May...and many after during last year....changed me. In every possible way. There are nights I still wake up in a panic..feeling like I need to see if my husband is okay... Nights when I replay memories over and over... Days when I feel okay...and then suddenly am over come with panic..

I share this because...yes, last May held dark days..but never had I felt such an outpouring of love. A love that would continue to carry us. From our nurses...who held me and cried....from incredible friends who showed up with baskets of food...hugs and our incredible family who never failed to show up...who always helped to carry our struggles.

Never did I realize that there would be people praying for me...for us...when I couldn't find the words to pray. Never could I have known that our absolutely perfect little girl would find a place in countless hearts....and help us to be filled with the courage to take one more step. 

No matter what the days held, our comfort was Adalyn. She loved sucking my finger much more than binkies!

There are still many things that scare me. Many things that I am re-learning about myself....and many breaks in my heart...

But one thing I know I can say in reflecting on last May....and many months that I'm slowly learning what happens when a heart breaks. God doesn't leave us when those moments come. God stands beside us with each break. He weeps with us...and His love is one that never fails. We will have days....months...and maybe even years that break us... that seem to shatter every part of our heart... but God will never lose those pieces of our heart. He will build us into something even greater. His love will be the gold that fills each crack. Each break.

He knew how much we needed Adalyn. He knew her life wouldn't be easy....but He knew her love would be an incredible and life changing gift for everyone who had the chance to know her. Especially us. 

Last of thinking of last May..I realize how precious and fragile this life is.. I truly realize the gift it is to have another day with my incredible have held our sweet little Adalyn for all her time have spent nights awake with simply have had time to give her baths...kiss her toes...sing her songs....go on walks... All of it.

Miracles still happen. Even if it isn't the miracle you expect...or think you want. 

So once is to you, my darling Adalyn. What a life you have given us.....what love you pour into our lives. I miss you always....and see your beauty in so many things. You are and will ever be the greatest gift of our lives. 

May 22, 2016

In Honor.

It came. As much as I didn't want it much as I was afraid for it to come.....

The month of May still came. 

David and I both have so many emotions that we're still learning to work through. There are so many things that changed last May. Everything I held dear in my world suddenly was dangling by a thread last May. There were many moments that broke me. So many moments that changed me...And moments where I felt so full of love and gratitude that we were given such a beautiful little angel....Moments I felt so grateful to have my husband for another day.

But I'm not going to write that post yet. Maybe next week.

(These two pictures make my heart smile...taken last May...when She had SO much tape. First her frustrated face at just finishing "cares" and getting touched by cold stethoscopes...the second is moments later...when she happily realized David was holding her.) 

Last weekend we made the drive up to Primary Children's. They were having a tribute to honor the children that passed away last year. 

I didn't think we could go. We have avoided the drive up the I-15 ever since losing Adalyn. We have avoided downtown Salt Lake. We have avoided many things.

I'll be honest here....the past weekend was incredibly hard. I had a hard time simply keeping myself together. All of my emotions felt so raw...vulnerable...and right on the surface.

We would stay with David's sweet sister Aimee each time Adalyn had doctor appointments in Salt Lake.... As we took our things down to their basement.....memories flooded my mind. My heart utterly longed for our Adalyn.  Yet...that we went to bed....I realized I was so thankful to stay in a comforting place that we had stayed with Adalyn. To have sweet memories of her there.

The next day, we went to the tribute ceremony.

I don't have the words to describe my feelings. To describe how much my heart ached. To describe how easily I fell apart and the emotions that flooded my heart. I can't fully  describe how much we ached to see pictures of other sweet little angels... And know of the decisions and heart breaks their parents went through too..

Instead...I want to share bits and pieces of things that touched my heart...

First of all....Absence does NOT have the ability to take away love. 

Second....often times...when things become broken...people try to hide those very breaks. If a picture frame is broken on a corner...or a seam is coming out of a shirt...we each do what we can to hide those flaws. Japanese potters have a different philosophy. If a pot they are making breaks...they don't throw it away...or try to paint over the cracks...Instead, they fill the cracks with gold. Making the break visible for all to see. Visible.....yet valuable. The breaks in the bowl become an aspect of beauty. Creating something even better.

Third.... It is easy to wonder where God is in all of this. To wonder where He is in the middle of tragedy. One speaker began quoting another woman...who said she has come to realize...God is not the tragedy. God isn't the accident. God is love. He is the love in the person that showed up at our door with food. The love in the people who have cried with us. The love of the stranger who asked to see all of my pictures on my phone of Adalyn. He is in the love of the people who felt like sending us a tender card. His is the love that comforts, that carries....that brings hope in the midst of darkness. 

As the slide show of all the children popped up....I sobbed when I saw Adalyn's beautiful picture on the screen. I felt so honored to be her mom. So honored to have been given the chance to know first hand of pure and perfect love. So honored to be wearing a name tag that had her name on it... And still so desperate for time to pass quickly to hold our perfect angel in my arms once more. 

At the end of the ceremony....they released 100 live doves. It was beautiful. 

I realize each day that this is lifelong journey of heart ache. Yet I am slowly realizing it is also journey with the deepest of beauty, love and learning. Though, that doesn't mean it will be easy. I still feel like I'm doing my best just to tread water. This life is a gift. A beautiful gift. And if we keep our eyes open....if we look..... I like to think that we might just have the chance to be a part of something that is greater than ourselves.

So thank you, my darling Adalyn,....for helping me have the courage to walk through the doors of Primary Children's once more. I wanted to avoid it forever. You change lives each day sweet girl. Especially mine and Daddy's. You remind me of who I want to be. Some moments, I feel so desperate in my longing for you....and my heart feels lost. I wonder who I am...and if I am strong enough to face another day.  I was reminded over the weekend....that I will never be too lost. For I have your love as my brightest guide. You are loved Addie baby. You are remembered. You are always missed...

Uncle Hyram drew this picture on scratch board for my birthday. We love it so very much!

When they said this song at the tribute Adalyn, I swore the lyrics were written just for you... Here are parts of it...

"The wisdom in your eyes
The joy that was your smile
You felt like home, and I 
will remember."

"The song that was your voice
Gave a spirit of such peace.
You changed my world,
And I will remember."

"As the rivers will run to join the ocean
My love will keep rushing to you
Though the seasons may change....
Your memory remains"

"We remember.."

"Forever you will stay, 
Cause time can't take away
What we remember"

I miss you so deeply sweet girl. In every moment, of every day, you are the one dancing around in my mind...The one my heart is waiting to hold. Daddy and I celebrated our birthdays this past week. I couldn't help but think of our birthdays last year. In the midst of the hard days we faced.... I think that birthday will forever be my favorite...because I got to spend the whole day holding you.

Love you Addie Grace!

Last year on my birthday! 

A year ago today....Sure miss you sweet girl!

May 2, 2016

Celebrating You.

Happy Birthday Adalyn Grace!

It's getting late....but I had to write down a few things about your special day...and about today.

You had big plans for us upon coming into this world.

You were born at 6:24 am on a Saturday.... weighing 7lbs 8oz.... at 19.5 inches long.

I could go on about all of the emotions that were building up to your arrival...but maybe another time. I was in labor with you for over 15 hours. I think you knew how much we would need that perfect weekend with you before the we stepped into uncharted waters.

I will never forget the moment of hearing you cry right after you were born. To know you were alive brought me immediately to tears. When I first got to go back and see you....I was certain there had never been a more beautiful little girl. I was in absolute awe to see you.....I thought my heart would burst when I first felt you squeeze my finger....soon after I finally got to hold you in my arms. We had no idea of anything that was to come...All we could feel was pure happiness and love...and that was more than was perfect.

This is one of my favorite pictures of that day... Seeing the love just pour out of your Daddy as he looked at you melts my heart. So many emotions lie in his face . He loves you so much!

We wanted to celebrate you today my darling.... So we threw you a princess party! We had some dear friends and family help us celebrate. I sure hope you loved it. It was beautiful. It was good for my heart to set everything up. Daddy and I felt like it was time spent with you. My favorite part was singing happy birthday to you and releasing you balloons.

We've shed a lot of tears today....missing you so. We've also shed tears of gratitude. Tears of happiness. We've felt your comfort...and felt you near. Our heart has been so full of so many emotions today. Many people shared with us today the way you have touched their lives. It meant so much to us. Do you know how powerful your sweet spirit is? You continue to inspire so many with your light Addie baby.

As much as I wish with all my heart that we could still have you in our arms, I want you to know how grateful we are for your beautiful life.

So today, here are my wishes for you.

I wish for time to pass quickly.
I wish for you to run as far as your sweet legs can carry you.
I wish for you to see all of the beautiful, vibrant colors around you with both of your amazing eyes.
I wish for you to always feel safe and comforted.
I wish for you to know how special you truly are.
I wish for you to be filled with the greatest happiness.
I wish for you to how deeply you are loved, especially by Daddy and I.
I wish for your love to continue to carry us through each long day without you.

I am so grateful that I get to be your mommy Addie Grace. You have taught us so much this past year sweet girl.... Lessons we will spend a lifetime learning from. We are so proud of you.... And though our hearts ache for you...we are glad that you no longer have to struggle with such many pains anymore.

So happy birthday Adalyn! God gave us the best gift in the world when He sent you to us. In Daddy's words..."We try to be better because of you."

We love you my darling!

P.S.... I was sort of  terrible at taking pictures of your party. I will have find the others later. For are a few pictures. Though...I'm certain you were there the whole time, you know exactly how beautiful everything was!

We made a stop at your grave!

We had so many balloons in the car...we could barely see Tyson!