August 9, 2015

When a Heart Aches..

The day after I had the ultrasound where we began finding out the mountains Adalyn would face, I had an appointment with my OB/GYN. David had to work....and wasn't able to come. I was okay with going alone....I knew she wouldn't have any new information. She would just have the report from the ultrasound doctor.

She came in the door, sat down, and started apologizing.

Then she started telling me how she truly thought it would be best if I just chose to terminate our pregnancy.


I felt like that was an unexpected cold slap in the face. Regardless of what we had found out, there was no way that ending our pregnancy had even crossed our minds. We had already seen her sweet face and heard her little heartbeat.

I said exactly that to my doctor. She stared at me like I was absurd. Her response was letting me know that she was certain that the genetic tests would show a terminal chromosome error anyway (which it didn't). And that even if it didn't, she was certain she would have to deliver a stillborn baby in a matter of weeks. She didn't see too much of a point in continuing our pregnancy.

I was crushed. I was angry. I was hurt. My heart ached so deeply. 

I walked out of her office and never went back.

That moment already seems like a lifetime ago. We were only beginning to realize how much our hearts would ache. 

Adalyn has changed our lives completely. Yes, it has been hard...

It is hard not knowing the amount of time we will have with her. It is hard watching seizures and spasms rack her innocent little body. It is hard to have to plow her full of medicines each day. It is hard having to choose between undesirable medicine side effects.....or watching her seizures. It is hard watching her lose some of the abilities she has gained.

It is hard seeing other babies her age....Not because I am not so happy for those sweet babies...but because my heart aches at what her life won't be.

However....some moments I feel such peace..and I am so grateful for this path. There is absolutely no way...especially now in seeing how special she is....that we could have ended her little life. I am reminded the things we face that are the hardest, are often the most worthwhile. 

I cannot say this enough...Adalyn has changed me for the better. There are moments after she has a bad spasm....or in the wee hours of the morning...when she looks right into my eyes with eyes so full of understanding. So full of love and life. Almost as if to say....."I'm here....and it's going to be okay."
It was an elephant kind of day. 

This past week, I was angry. I may be thinking...."Angry again? I thought you worked through this already!" Well unfortunately, I have to learn things several times.

Adalyn's seizures and spasms have been awful. It has make my stomach churn to watch and my heart heavy. The steroids have made her rather irritable, especially at night. She cries for hours at a time. Just as she finally falls asleep, she is jerked awake by a spasm or seizure...making it take even longer to get her back to sleep.

I felt angry at watching this perfect....innocent girl go through so much. I just wanted the clouds to break for her. I prayed so hard to find understanding. Letting God know the anger that was filling my heart. In my mind, I kept wondering....."How much can one heart continue to ache?"

In sacrament meeting today, I finally found my comfort.

The lyrics for this song came into my mind:

When through fiery trials thy pathway shall lie,
My grace, all sufficient, shall be thy supply.
The flame shall not hurt thee; I only design
Thy dross to consume, thy dross to consume,
Thy dross to consume and thy gold to refine.
(How Firm a Foundation)

In case you, like me, don't know what dross is....I looked it up. It means something worthless.

I was reminded that our struggles are not hopeless or given for no reason. God is with us the entire time. He uses them to refine us. To shape us into something even more beautiful. To help remove our rough help us....if we let Him....let our light shine.

I have felt that this past year. It has drawn me closer to my faith. It has drawn me closer to my Savior. It has drawn me closer to my husband.

I also read a talk by President Monson. Read the full thing here.

"When the pathway of life takes a cruel turn, there is the temptation to ask the question “Why me?” At times there appears to be no light at the end of the tunnel, no sunrise to end the night’s darkness. We feel encompassed by the disappointment of shattered dreams and the despair of vanished hopes. We join in uttering the biblical plea, “Is there no balm in Gilead?”1We feel abandoned, heartbroken, alone. We are inclined to view our own personal misfortunes through the distorted prism of pessimism.... 

From the bed of pain, from the pillow wet with tears, we are lifted heavenward by that divine assurance and precious promise: Joshua 1:5 “I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.”7Such comfort is priceless."

Each of us will face those times when our hearts ache. Some days.....I feel that ache is permanent. I am realizing the reason our hearts because of our ability to love. If we didn't love....if we didn't care....the trials we face likely wouldn't be as painful.

But then what would life be? Love is worth it. It is powerful. So powerful. It brings light...and life...and so much good. The aching pains we may turn help show us a greater depth of love. It may not feel okay in the moment. You may find yourself punching pillows in anger at 3 am...
Makes my heart melt. Every time. 

Just keep holding on. He will not forsake us. Any of us. There will come a day when all of our struggles...all of our heart breaking moments will be make right...and beautiful. 

I believe that with all of my heart.

So...I will soak in the peaceful moments of Adalyn sleeping snuggled through my arms. And hold on tight to that in the moments that seem too much to bear. I will hold to love. I will try to hold to the comfort of the prayers offered on our behalf. I know we will still face countless moments that threaten to break us...but together...we will find a way to hold on.

24 more days left of these steroids.

I took this video a couple weeks ago....oh how we love this girl! 


  1. As my two kids watched this with me they had questions. but the number one thing repeated was, "how cute" as she made the sounds. Adalyn is a cutie.

  2. I love her alfalfa hair in the monkey picture :)! We are praying for little Addy!!! She is such a sweetie.


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